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This is a seriously messed up prank

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SO the local firehouse did this to prank the noobiez, and then uploaded it on youtube unsure.gif It was taken down promptly, but someone saved it and re-uploaded it before it was removed.



This is just something you DON'T do.





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actually, if you look closer the moment of the gun shot the gun is pointed at the stove or somewhere in that direction, you can faintly see what looks like the lower part of the gun, under the slide. you can't see if the slide moved back or forward. it couldn't have been a live round because i think these guys no better and you would've heard a loud slap. it was definitely a blank. no way he had fireworks.


EDIT: i payed closer attention to the guy getting picked up... fuck me... deleting is cheating so everyone laugh at me

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That's massively stupid. Especially massively stupid to include the station number at the end of the video. I guarantee someone got fired over that. My tax money shouldn't be going to that kind of bullshit. Totally unprofessional and a good way to get shot.

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lol station 108. i should run up in there waving a gun around and grabbing my balls like that guy and then be like oh sorry just a joke. real funny, huh? and i think it was a blank. that would actually make sense if you were stupid enough to do something like this.

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This is like the Russian police station that made a prank documentary on how to make cocaine in your station's basement and uploaded it to Break. Best part was, dumb sons of bitches were actually making cocaine in their basement and the video was them bragging about it. Russian military stormed them the next day.

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Yeah, see there's a difference. If this was an actual training exercise, that's one thing, but a prank? Fuck me, and fuck those stupid bastards for the lack of common sense. Especially firing off the gun, blank or not.

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at a police station or a bank that would be acceptable for a training excercise. but an FD has no excuse for that.


EDIT: we could try to burn down the FD. that would be a relevant training exercise.




"Jesus Christ! I didn't know what they meant when they said they were having a 'live fire' demostration at the engine house! WHAT THE FUCK!?"

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i'm not idk about the rest of these guys its kinda funny how stupid it is. and i cant quit laughing at how you dont have any punctuation and your posts are so short compared to ours and then i see a smiley face snorting coke and its kinda late.

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I always get pissed about stupidity of this magnitude. General stupidity that doesn't endanger peoples' lives is fine, like the fuckery antics of Ratsun and Canby. But this shit angers me because for one, it's our tax dollars and work, and two, people in these positions should know better.

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I always get pissed about stupidity of this magnitude. General stupidity that doesn't endanger peoples' lives is fine, like the fuckery antics of Ratsun and Canby. But this shit angers me because for one, it's our tax dollars and work, and two, people in these positions should know better.


I have no problem with people fucking around on my tax dollar so long as it's not affecting their work performance. Firemen, Policemen, Soldiers, etc have a LOT of down time between crisis. If they want to do something to improve morale, fine, but this, this was willful ignorance and endangerment. What if the rookie was some kind of ninja and fucked up the fake gunman?

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Yes, someone lost their job and several are fired pending review.



How could this remotely be considered a good prank? It could have been deadly. What if someone in the FD was a war vet? Of course, it's likely their first reaction would be to grab a blunt object or a knife and attack the assailant.



A prank that could have turned deadly.






Wanna see a REAL prank?








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its funny you guy's think like they have never worked together. they guys spend day and night together they are tighter with these guys more then they are with there own family's


I agree.

Wow. A firecracker? Blanks? Really?

While this prank appears to have taken a whole minute and a half to plan and execute, it's pretty tame compared to some military shenanigans I've ..uh...seen. :P

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