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$300K Z car

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Probably not a wise thing to do. On eBay, your bid (or offer) is a binding contract so even thought you are probably joking around, eBay takes it seriously and could ban you from future use of eBay.


Just Sayin'


check their TOS, this rule doesnt apply to automobiles or real-estate.

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1)You can never compare the AC Cobra with the Scarab...the history, the Name Carrol Shelby, no comparison..2)btw where's the Scarab today as compared to the Shelbys...

1)You're right.Shelby is a lying thieving P.O.S.And the upper end Shelby replicas are faster,better built and handle better than the originals.

2)Both are gone.

And qwik510's car would blow ANY Scarab into the weeds.

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1)You're right.Shelby is a lying thieving P.O.S.And the upper end Shelby replicas are faster,better built and handle better than the originals.

2)Both are gone.

And qwik510's car would blow ANY Scarab into the weeds.



What do you mean Shelby is a lying thieving POS, do you have proof..as a matter of fact, he had to go court so many times because replicators were using his name w/out his consent (copyright). Eventually he did win and all he wanted was a few percentage of these replicators so that he can fund his "heart association" which helps thousands of children and sick people.


And of course the upper Shelby replicas can be faster, the technology back in the days was not as effficient. Heck a new mustang today with their Coyote V-8 302 is pushing out like 412 HP and the V-6 is pushing out like 300. Replicators have a lot of options today,as far as N/A engines or force induction systems, suspensions, etc. The influence that Shelby have with the auto industry is amazing, not only with Ford but with Dodge, Viper and the list goes on. Your point #2, Shelby is not gone, as a matter of fact he is probably much more influential today that yore. Not sure about QWIK510 car never seen it so I can't comment.


I don't mind having a healthy discussion or debate with anyone on this site notwithstanding sarcasm, of course.

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1)You're right.Shelby is a lying thieving P.O.S.And the upper end Shelby replicas are faster,better built and handle better than the originals.

2)Both are gone.

And qwik510's car would blow ANY Scarab into the weeds.



1)What do you mean Shelby is a lying thieving POS, do you have proof..as a matter of fact, 2)he had to go court so many times because replicators were using his name w/out his consent (copyright). 3)Eventually he did win and all he wanted was a few percentage of these replicators so that he can fund his4) "heart association" which helps thousands of children and sick people.


5)And of course the upper Shelby replicas can be faster, the technology back in the days was not as effficient. Heck a new mustang today with their Coyote V-8 302 is pushing out like 412 HP and the V-6 is pushing out like 300. Replicators have a lot of options today,as far as N/A engines or force induction systems, suspensions, etc. 6)The influence that Shelby have with the auto industry is amazing, not only with Ford but with Dodge, Viper and the list goes on. 7)Your point #2, Shelby is not gone, as a matter of fact he is probably much more influential today that yore. 8)Not sure about QWIK510 car never seen it so I can't comment.


I don't mind having a healthy discussion or debate with anyone on this site notwithstanding sarcasm, of course.

1)Do your own research.

2)And he lost.

3)No-he didn't

4)Really?Then why are the "Heart fund" bank accounts in the Grand Caymans?

5)Do you actually read before you type?

6)No-it is not.Shelby was an idea man.In fact a "ONE idea man".Everything else he did was a disaster.Series 1 is prima facia evidence.The success of the Cobra was the result of people Shelby HIRED-Brock,Miles e.t.c.Without them-no Cobra.

7)You're not too quick in the comprehension department are you?Both the AC Cobra & the Scarab are gone.*

8)This comment really shows how little automotive knowledge you have.You(or I)don't need to see qwik510's car.No 327 carbed motor that was street legal/registerable(how ever you want to phrase it)could even entertain the HOPE of coming close to the HP that qwik510 is making.



*when Shelby dies i will throw a party.Wanna come?

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Z-train. You seem to have a lot of agnst inserted throughout your hastily typed response.


I don't claim to know Carroll Shelby or what he has alledgedly stolen, but for you to come down on Racerx like that is childish and just shows that you might not be up for the monumental task that is adulthood on te internet.


As for his car blowing ANY Scarab into the weeds, are you sure? Have you personally inspected each and every Scarab out there? Put your notes into a spread sheet and made for certain that what you claim is true? If so, please post said spreadsheet and all of your notes because I would love to see a history of Scarabs, modificatiuons to Scarabs by their respective owners and where they are now. That would be cool. So while I understand that you are making grand sweeping statements to bolster your rant against Racerx's statements, you are being quite hypocritical about it. That behaviour one again shows you are possibily a bit stunted when it comes to civility in a public arena.


So lighten up Francis, have an adult discussion.

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When you said that everything Shelby did was disaster, that's is totally wrong, of course, he will have some misses.. He can't hit a homerun all the time. Of course, his team back in the days and even today, had a lot to do with his successes and his legend. What automaker or aftermarket car maker can say that it was just one person and not realize that there are people who designed, assembled, test drove their cars..however, there's always going to be someone who has the vision and leadership (i.e. Steven Jobs, Bill Gates, etc.)that will create synergy so that the final product is of value.


Then you said that I'm not quick in the comprehension dept. Who are you to judge me this way? You don't know me or my level of education or how many properties I own or what type of successful career I have had in 25 odd years. BTW I never professed that I knew a lot about cars, I know some but not everything and I am certain that not one single person in the planet will know everything about cars..I can't tell you how to behave but don't worry Karma will set-in because when you make these sarcastic, demeaning and sweeping statements, it's usually an indication of someone who is closed minded and who's ego got hurt..

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1)When you said that everything Shelby did was disaster, that's is totally wrong, of course, he will have some misses.. He can't hit a homerun all the time. 2)Of course, his team back in the days and even today, had a lot to do with his successes and his legend. 3)What automaker or aftermarket car maker can say that it was just one person and not realize that there are people who designed, assembled, test drove their cars..however, there's always going to be someone who has the vision and leadership (i.e. Steven Jobs, Bill Gates, etc.)that will create synergy so that the final product is of value.


4)Then you said that I'm not quick in the comprehension dept. 5)Who are you to judge me this way? 6)You don't know me or my level of education or how many properties I own or what type of successful career I have had in 25 odd years. 7)BTW I never professed that I knew a lot about cars, I know some but not everything and I am certain that not one single person in the planet will know everything about cars..8)I can't tell you how to behave but don't worry Karma will set-in because when you make these sarcastic, demeaning and sweeping statements, it's usually an indication of someone who is closed minded and who's ego got hurt..

1)NO,totally right as usual.

2)His team THEN was rsponsible for the Cobra's success.All Shelby did to get it off the ground was lie to Ford and AC.Today-has has no team at all.It's ALL FORD'S doing.All SHelby does is authorize them to use his name & charge a ridiculous price

3)Duntov was completely rsponsible for the Corvette.Mr.K was completely responsible for the success of the Z.Delorean was completely responsible for his car.


5)I'm not you-that's all i need to be.

6)So you're 25,huh?I was under a car wrenching TWENTY YEARS before you were born.Here's a news flash for you kid-you or anyone else here doesn't get to lecture me about ANYTHING.


8)Stop with the mamby-pampy feel-good PC bullsh!t.My Karma is just spectacular.

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1)Z-train. You seem to have a lot of agnst inserted throughout your hastily typed response.


2)I don't claim to know Carroll Shelby or what he has alledgedly stolen, 3)but for you to come down on Racerx like that is childish and just shows that you might not be up for the monumental task that is adulthood on te internet.


4)As for his car blowing ANY Scarab into the weeds, are you sure? 5)Have you personally inspected each and every Scarab out there? 6)Put your notes into a spread sheet and made for certain that what you claim is true? If so, please post said spreadsheet and all of your notes because I would love to see a history of Scarabs, modificatiuons to Scarabs by their respective owners and where they are now. That would be cool. 7)So while I understand that you are making grand sweeping statements to bolster your rant against Racerx's statements, you are being quite hypocritical about it. 8)That behaviour one again shows you are possibily a bit stunted when 9)it comes to civility in a public arena.


So lighten up Francis, have an adult discussion.


First off,i wasn't talking to you,so my first inclination is to tell you to piss off,but in the interest of board harmony,i'll calmly tell you where you're wrong too.I'm such a nice guy-ain't i?


1)Hastily?Hardly.I've been typing a variation of that since 1996.

2)You're right-so you haven't a clue.

3)I'll make everyone a deal-you stop posting stupid shit and i'll stop child-ishly correcting you-O.K.


5)Don't need to.But in any case they were all built the same.So your question is a moot point.

6)Now that's hysterical-thanks for the laugh.You must be a CPA who reads car magazines.

7)Again,no sweeping statements.What's sweeping is your lack of automotive knowledge.

8)Stunted?there you go again-attempting to be funny.

9)I am being civil.Don't believe me?Ask around.


And just for the record,if I posted what has been posted by you guys,i would expect someone to post what i have.




Here's my Cobra-post a pic of yours.I'll wait.


And just for shits & giggles,here's my Z motor and the Z is faster than the Cobra.


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Ooh my very own internet scolding, complete with photos of your car. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But...once again, this is the internet so prove to me that those are your cars. I want a photo of you, standing next to each one with a cardboard sign that says, "Glides, these are my cars". Until you do that, I won't believe you. I think you pulled them from the millions of random photos from the internet. I can actually post a photo of me standing next to the Target Number 10 Indy Car that resides in a showroom that may or may not be mine, complete with sign if you like. I can even slide down in the cockpit and put my helmet on too if that will make the photo better. It's a bit tight though.


I would have never said a word to you if you weren't such a douche about how you put this amazing amount of knowledge, that folks won't really listen to because of your doucheness, out there. You can be the smartest, most automotive knowledgeable guy in the world, but if you are a gigantic anus about it, who cares.


The sad fact though is that you are still a goon, whether you have cool cars or not. Cool cars don't make you a cool guy. The best part of this, which will fly right over your head, is that nobody really cares what cars you have, how fast they are, or how many you have right now because this thread is not about YOUR cars. It's about a car for sale that isn't yours. But, by all means Captain Fantastic, preach on and continue showing the forum that you are a 2 fingered E-Thug because it's a lot of fun to watch a grown man make a fool of himself since I certainly never said a thing about your cars, I just asked you if you did the research on all of the Scarabs. Because, since you say they were all built the same we can assume they are all still the same. Because the Z car in the photo you posted surely came out of the factory like that right? (That was sarcastic by the way, in case you number it thinking i'm serious). Anyway, since i'm fairly sure you didn't comprehend a thing I said in my original post, I can be pretty certain you did not do any research on any Scarabs to back up your statement. You took it as an oppurtunity to hurl more anger and cool guy attitude, post pictures of cars that are, or are not yours and generally hurl insults at people. Good job!


Oh yea, get me those photos, remember, cardboard sign, preferably wide angle. A fella with that much money wrapped up in his cars can surely afford a good camera. :) If you want to see some of the cars i've owned, just search my posts. There is a thread around here with about 1/14th of them in it. Surely you can search....right?

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1)NO,totally right as usual.

2)His team THEN was rsponsible for the Cobra's success.All Shelby did to get it off the ground was lie to Ford and AC.Today-has has no team at all.It's ALL FORD'S doing.All SHelby does is authorize them to use his name & charge a ridiculous price

3)Duntov was completely rsponsible for the Corvette.Mr.K was completely responsible for the success of the Z.Delorean was completely responsible for his car.


5)I'm not you-that's all i need to be.

6)So you're 25,huh?I was under a car wrenching TWENTY YEARS before you were born.Here's a news flash for you kid-you or anyone else here doesn't get to lecture me about ANYTHING.


8)Stop with the mamby-pampy feel-good PC bullsh!t.My Karma is just spectacular.


Your assumptions are incorrect..I'm not 25 years old and not a CPA. I'm actually 50 years old who enjoys old skool cars. It does not matter who's better in wrenching or who owns what or who knows more, what matters is a positive attitude. I'm a not a CPA and I've been a Career Counselor/Employment Counselor for over 25 years. What I always advised my clients is that, "Ones atttitude determines their Altitude in life, because everything else are platitudes". Now regarding Karma, this is nothing new or esoteric or Jedi trickey...It's immutable, universal truth..like if you are nice to people, more than likely they will be nice to you, if you are a cocky, conceited type of guy (Mr. Know it all), people will reject and poke fun at you. These are not base on "ASSUMPTIONS", these are based on many years of education, observation and also professional experience of over 25 years. I'm pretty sure you know your stuff about cars but there are greater things in life than being too centered or too opitionated or hating about someone, like somehow or another you are hating on Carrol Shelby or me..Have you ever met the man, spent time with him, we never trully know about people..I'm certain he is controversial like most people in the limelight. And like what my drill Sergeant once said, "you never know who your friends are until your in the same foxhole". Yes, I also served 4 years USAF..

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Ooh my very own internet scolding, complete with photos of your car. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But...once again, this is the internet so prove to me that those are your cars. 1)I want a photo of you, standing next to each one with a cardboard sign that says, "Glides, these are my cars".2) Until you do that, I won't believe you. I think you pulled them from the millions of random photos from the internet. I can actually post a photo of me standing next to the Target Number 10 Indy Car that resides in a showroom that may or may not be mine, complete with sign if you like. I can even slide down in the cockpit and put my helmet on too if that will make the photo better. It's a bit tight though.


3)I would have never said a word to you if you weren't such a douche about how you put this amazing amount of knowledge, that folks won't really listen to because of your doucheness, out there. 4)You can be the smartest, most automotive knowledgeable guy in the world, but if you are a gigantic anus about it, who cares.


The sad fact though is that you are still a goon, whether you have cool cars or not. Cool cars don't make you a cool guy. The best part of this, which will fly right over your head, is that nobody really cares what cars you have, how fast they are, or how many you have right now because this thread is not about YOUR cars. It's about a car for sale that isn't yours. But, by all means Captain Fantastic, preach on and continue showing the forum that you are a 2 fingered E-Thug because it's a lot of fun to watch a grown man make a fool of himself since I certainly never said a thing about your cars, I just asked you if you did the research on all of the Scarabs. Because, since you say they were all built the same we can assume they are all still the same. Because the Z car in the photo you posted surely came out of the factory like that right? (That was sarcastic by the way, in case you number it thinking i'm serious). Anyway, since i'm fairly sure you didn't comprehend a thing I said in my original post, I can be pretty certain you did not do any research on any Scarabs to back up your statement. You took it as an oppurtunity to hurl more anger and cool guy attitude, post pictures of cars that are, or are not yours and generally hurl insults at people. Good job!


Oh yea, get me those photos, remember, cardboard sign, preferably wide angle. A fella with that much money wrapped up in his cars can surely afford a good camera. :) If you want to see some of the cars i've owned, just search my posts. There is a thread around here with about 1/14th of them in it. Surely you can search....right?

Exactly what part of "I don't need to do any research"don't you understand?THe car have been posted here before.Go find them.


And piss off.

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Have you ever met the man, spent time with him, we never trully know about people..

So what you are saying,is i need to spend time in Korea to know that Kim Il Jong is a wack job?


And i appreciate both your & Glides compliments about me being creative enough to make this stuff up.If i was i'd be working as a writer in Hollywood.But thanks again.

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No worries,Just a couple of en-educated wanna-bes that needed to be dispatched.


This is quite possibly the funniest comment you have made to date. Dispatched? By you? You can't even educate anyone on what you are screaming we are uneducated about, all you can do is name call and try to bully like a 7 year old schoolyard brat.....and you aren't even good at that. If being cool is being like you, I am for sure NOT a wannabe....thank god.


I never said once that you made anything up. I simply asked you to show your data to back up your incredibly broad statement that someones car can outrun any Scarab on the planet. I thought you might actually be educated enough to look back and see how ridiculous that statement was. But alas, no, you were not. You stood on your soapbox, hurled insults and jabs and generally didn't say anything. You then posted a couple of photos of cars and ran your mouth some more. Amazing. It's funny when I get PM's about you after they read this thread. You never really know how you look through other peoples eyes but I can give yout a hint if you like.


Once again, your attitude really negates anything that comes out of your fingers because when they ask you about it, you are condescending and rude. So who really wants to know the education that you keep screaming you have if they have to wade through douchery to get to it. That's the ironic beauty of this entiire exchange with you. You have no idea my knowledge, history...anything, but since I do not agree with you, I am uneducated and a wannabe. If you were truly educated you would realize just how ignorant that really sounds. I do fear though that it will be lost upon you.


So go dispatch yourself, I hear it's really fun with the lights out. I give you permission to get the last word in too, I know how much you crave it. See ya.

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