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laptop/netbook problem prob malware

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so i got an Acer aspire 1 about a month ago and now when i open macfee(which i hate btw)and a blank white square shows up. worked fine for about 2 weeks then this showed up...and I havent been to any .ru sites or anything out of the norm. I suspect malware is blocking me but even when i try to down load the microsoft safety scanner nothing happens. I was prompted to down load a newr version of adobe player a few days ago but declined it. but now no videos play and when I went back to update adobe it wont let me now...it just looks like it refreshes the page. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wth??

Google search wont show any images as well like type in sr71 very popular jet right?! all that shows in images is nothing found weird huh?

yes i am rambling but im trying to see if anyone has seen this before


im an idiot at this stuff but can rebuild an engine go figure please help

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Yes, get malwarebytes. It will clean your computer. It might require you compy to go into safemode. You might need safemode to get it...


Step 2 is get rid of Macafee!!!!


Step 3 is to get windows security essentials (best free antivirus).



*to get into safemode restart your computer. As soon as you see "acer" press and hold "F8". It will bring up a menu, use your arrow keys to select "safemode with networking"

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That acer netbook is shit too. Mine lasted 1 year and exploded. Back up your stuff on a regular basis. Triple ditto on malwarebytes and microsoft essentials. Download both in safemode, run malwarebytes in safe mode, then run it again in regular mode when you restart your computer. Stopzilla is great too. The trail version catches some stuff that malwarebytes doesn't.

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That acer netbook is shit too. Mine lasted 1 year and exploded. Back up your stuff on a regular basis. Triple ditto on malwarebytes and microsoft essentials. Download both in safemode, run malwarebytes in safe mode, then run it again in regular mode when you restart your computer. Stopzilla is great too. The trail version catches some stuff that malwarebytes doesn't.


Have you ever used combofix? DAMN! that thing is powerful. It can delete system files at will. It is highly recommended to have a helper when you use it...

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i had a malware issue with an old computer of mine, the problem with malware is that people are constantly creating new ones, so alot of times scanners wont pick up on them or know how to fix them. id search google for any clue that was given to me, such as rouge anti-spyware programs that would automatically install themselfs, or the new a homepage the maleware gave me. like i just found this with the info you gave us




youll find geekblogs and forums with answers. its usually a procedure but works. eventually i learned that IE was the root of the problem

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you know, id actually recommend reinstalling windows as as the easiest way, the more i think about it, not even trying to be cheeky. ive never used malwatebytes and it may be a great perventitve measure but i can tell you from my experience, once its on your OS its a real bitch to remove -as it imbeds itself in your registry. after i was infected i completely stopped downloading anything suspicious and i still had issues, and eventually had to trash the whole comp. ive had a few laptops since then and never a problem.


if you have a good windows disc and a few hours do a fresh install.

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Yes, get malwarebytes. It will clean your computer. It might require you compy to go into safemode. You might need safemode to get it...


Step 2 is get rid of Macafee!!!!


Step 3 is to get windows security essentials (best free antivirus).



*to get into safemode restart your computer. As soon as you see "acer" press and hold "F8". It will bring up a menu, use your arrow keys to select "safemode with networking"



WSE has a problem with being a massive bitch of a resource hog though. I would regularly find the active agent consuming over a gig of ram. Comodo AV has been good to me.

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WSE has a problem with being a massive bitch of a resource hog though. I would regularly find the active agent consuming over a gig of ram. Comodo AV has been good to me.


Hmm, only taking up 56mb, and I am counting all the processes. Computer hasnt been off for like 3 months.

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so i got an Acer aspire 1 about a month ago and now when i open macfee(which i hate btw)and a blank white square shows up. worked fine for about 2 weeks then this showed up...and I havent been to any .ru sites or anything out of the norm. I suspect malware is blocking me but even when i try to down load the microsoft safety scanner nothing happens. I was prompted to down load a newr version of adobe player a few days ago but declined it. but now no videos play and when I went back to update adobe it wont let me now...it just looks like it refreshes the page. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wth??

Google search wont show any images as well like type in sr71 very popular jet right?! all that shows in images is nothing found weird huh?

yes i am rambling but im trying to see if anyone has seen this before


im an idiot at this stuff but can rebuild an engine go figure please help


You have any kind of weird "virus scanners" popping up?


Can you take a picture of this white square?


Have you checked out your host file? Redirect viruses mainly function through changes to the host file.


Open notepad.exe, then go File > Open...


When the open file window pops up, change the file type from .txt or whatever it is to All Files (*.*).


Then navigate to: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc (C: is whatever your main Windows drive is). In there is a file called "Hosts", open it.


You should see this:



# Copyright © 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.


# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.


# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

# space.


# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.


# For example:


# rhino.acme.com # source server

# x.acme.com # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.

# localhost

# ::1 localhost


If you see anything without a # next to it, it's most likely an active redirect related to a virus. What do you see in the host file?

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This is going to sound scary, but consider it.


I run a Linux based system. Ubuntu. The operating system is free. The the software is free. It is all open source.

Here in Portland, you can even get computers for free, by doing some work dismantling old computers at FreeGeek.

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This is going to sound scary, but consider it.


I run a Linux based system. Ubuntu. The operating system is free. The the software is free. It is all open source.

Here in Portland, you can even get computers for free, by doing some work dismantling old computers at FreeGeek.


I have a linux computer, its my garage computer. But it is in no way as easy to use, or as flawless (not that flawless is a good term for windows) as windows. I dual boot my laptop as well, and well lets just say I am constantly needed to go back to windows cuz of an inability of linux.


ok yeah so i couldnt post earlier. so my ie was infected so i uninstalled it and went with google chrome all is good!


Oh and Acer makes good stuff, they wouldnt be on the side of a ferrari if they didnt. jus sayin..


Good to hear you fixed it.


And awesome you fell into Acer's marketing ploy, its not Acer that makes good stuff, it is Asus.

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