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i want snow!

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Yea we need some frickin consistency here on the numbers....




The only ones not mentioned was wide and hardwyre...

I have a PM between Wild and I that confirm the rest of the numbers.


After reading that thread...








Thats 6.

Someone doesn't know how to count.

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I read the title of this thread and thought..... "god damnit!"

because I was not on the night watch (clearly) and was out drinking instead (jelly bro?)



but then I came across this.......



(and a few other well constructed posts)


As you'll notice, this isn't a Honduh forum. We don't exactly hand out accolades for stories of bullshit stupidity.


From what you're saying, you think it's hilarious that you almost caused an automotive accident with in innocent driver who just happened to have the mishap of driving a vehicle you find less than noteworthy within your vicinity. Maybe on the rednecks drivin' fatchicks forum that's hilarious, but here it's immature bullshit.


Playing in the snow and driving like a jackass is a whole lot of fun so long as no one not involved is at risk of having to suffer some loss at your shenanigans. You and you buddies go drifting the snow up in the mountains and end up in a ditch, hilarious. You blast ass across a frozen intersection and nearly take out a Civic with a mother and her two kids, dick move.


If you find this shit brag worthy, then your dad obviously should not be letting you drive it yet until you either grow up, pull your head our of your ass, or both.


Welcome to Ratsun; home of the mature childish shenanigans dickery.






Quoted for truth. The ONLY person I knew at Canby was Skib and being the pimp he is, he had a ton of players and ladies





Then Father Wild bribed me into his fold with the promise of delicious smoked steak and pork.


And it was delicious.




also fact


Were you ruining ratsun after canby? there were 15 of us who did. Flatcat and I assigned some numbers, I am sure we have some openings


:rofl: I came before the time of numbers......

i dont think many of you where around for the "united posts of insomnia" aka the OG insomniacs thread.


There once was a man from Nantuckit,

Who had a Datsun so rusty,

It was a bucket.


He said with a grin,

As he wrenched on her en'gin.


"If my rig was American,

I'd say fuck it."




Again, why I feel there needs to be a "General Shenanigans" sub-forum here. Let Team # run a'muck without shitting all over the rest of the forum :)



thats what the insomniacs thread is for.



It's the kind that's gonna get Skib and Mike to shake their heads, and start texting each other.

Hi mods. Missed you.


Skib-why you no haz hauz party yet?


Im still working threw this thread at the time of typing this part of my post....


.... but Im sure Ill be doing that when Im done.


i no haz house yet <_<




I don't wanna sound queer or nothin, but our team of guys totally rocks...





well it started with some well constructed posts anyway...............




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Nice mega post Skib. That should count for at least 3 in teh post count


lulz I stopped counting my posts a loooooong time ago


Indeed we did./. Showed him the Ratsun Fuckery spirit.. Team did good.. good lulz :rofl:


no lock............. so far...

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:rofl: I came before the time of numbers......

i dont think many of you where around for the "united posts of insomnia" aka the OG insomniacs thread.



How about a hi 5 for team fuckery??!!





I think Skiby's trying to say he doesn't agree with us(or some random Indiot) for being the ones who fucked the forum up.

It was broken long before we got here.


No high fives just yet.

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I think Skiby's trying to say he doesn't agree with us(or some random Indiot) for being the ones who fucked the forum up.

It was broken long before we got here.


No high fives just yet.

Oh I agree with that. I remember Skibby in his younger more irresponsible days :lol:

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