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to sell or not to sell?

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i had my car at pomona swap meet over the weekend with a 5000 price tag on it cause eventually everything is for sale if someone is willing to pay enough. no takers at the show. i did however have a guy call today and offer me 4000 for it. i told him about it and he sounded very interested but isnt a datsun guy and has never owned anything this old b4. heres my question.... do i keep the car since i really dont wanna get rid of it or do i sell it and buy another datto since i prolly wont see this kinda money for it again anytime soon especially in the condition its in?


lmk wat u guys think, and none of this "oh ur giving up" bullshit casue im not just wondering if i shood take it, make some money and move on to the next datto?

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if you can make money, and not a piddly $100, and your not attached to it, hell yes sell it. we are all out to make a buck a 2, weather its a job or just selling stuff we have laying around. If you are not emotionally attached to it, and there is something elso on the market that you really do want, nd this could make it happen, i do not think anyone will have a probem with it. Just MAKE SURE it goes to a good home please :)

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if you are attached, do not do it, not even if you make a million bucks off it, you heart will sink after a few days, i think we have al had it happen to us, there almost like family, and to some of us there more than family. I sold one a year ago and felt terrible on the way home. and have felt like shit till i got what i have now. so, no do not sell it

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Ask yourself this question; If he had offered you the 5k, or something very close to it, would you sell it to him? If yes, the car is for sale and take the 4k, cuz cash is hard to come by these days. If no, or you have to think long and hard about it, is the car really for sale, or are you just curious if someone would pay you 5k for your baby?

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if he had said 5 it wood be at his house. i know i cood find something else to make me happy for 5. i just dont know if 4 is enough to get it away from me. plus i just remembered that i registered for jccs already and really wanna go. idk if i cood have another car done by then.

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Let me tell you about bad homes. I sold a 510 wagon once to a couple I thought was worthy of owning a Datsun. $1000 for a 72 wagon, motor had a timing chain rattle, had a dogleg 5 speed. $1000 I gave it to them for.


Fast forward 3 years later. Car still sitting, I kept somewhat in contact, seeing how their plans were coming along. They talk of a 4.3 "conversion". I dissuade them. Car sits longer in his shop. Finally see it on craigslist for $3000. Fuckers tried to make a buck off me, I called them on it.


Fast forward another year. Finally someone bought it, heard from a buddy that the guy is a Datsun guy and he loves it, so at least I'm happy and it's now supposedly in good hands.


Do I still wish I had it back? Yep.

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asjust for inflation ,,, :D


not only inflation but its in original paint and almost 0 rust, one spot in the quarter panel where the trunk floor meets it, just a lil rust not all rotted out. other than that is a perfect body and almost all original.

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not only inflation but its in original paint and almost 0 rust, one spot in the quarter panel where the trunk floor meets it, just a lil rust not all rotted out. other than that is a perfect body and almost all original.


welll ,,,,, that makes it REALLY tough ,,, :( ,,, I wouldn't if your jobs secure and you guys love the car :cool:


I gave up a really good datto a bit ago ,,, been kicking myself in the rear ever since :rolleyes: <_<



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nope i had already checked for local/ ratsun 411s and i coodnt find any i wanted. theres a few on cl. but i may have something awesome in the works with this car noaw that im almost 100% hasnt been done b4. so if this deal im trying to do works out i wont even be considering selling any more but will find a few of them that are for sale and pass the links on to him just cause im that kinda guy.

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just remember, measure twice, cut once. you WILL be cutting, 411 engine bays are tiny!


hahaha thats wat u think, i recall that the411 with a ka didnt cut any of the body, just his crossmember and i have a second sss car one so im good.


Good call. I hate to watch people do things that they know they'll later regret.


yeah i wood have regreted it.... plus the gf prolly wooda left me, shes really only with me cause of the car lol

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