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Ratsun paintball...

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thought i would start this to see if anyone plays paintball or speedball or woodsball and wanted to share what they got.




maybe even see if we can get groups to meet up and shoot some paintballs down range. :D








i have about 4-5 smart parts ION's with simple upgrades and no virtue boards on them because that is expensive to get one. i plan on selling them all to buy an Empire Axe when i getz more moniez as i only want one gun as opposed to bringing 4-5 to a paintball field. here are some pics of what i got but i had picked up a few more after i took these oics:




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First gun was a Tracer 2 pump back in the early '90s.. Then about five years ago bought a new ION with no upgrades, just CA carbon fiber tank and speed loader I think I played with it twice in 3 years. Then sold it on ebay.


Id rather spend the money on my Datsun or build another quad.



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Why is that most of us Datsun owners have the same hobbies? i used to as well, it was expensive and i switched to airsoft. now airsoft is too expensive and the only three things i spend money and time on now is School, Photography, and Datsun. not in that order. i used to have a POS tippman then got a bob something, gave that to my friend in exchange for a Airsoft gun ever since 2007 i've been playing both.



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Always chaps my ass when something I'm into goes main stream and the prices of everything jumps shit.


Used to play private games with an old UrbanDragon rifle. How many people have ever seen a paintball sniper rifle? :D


We also built a paintball bazooka from ABS 1316 schedule 80 (350 psi safe limit) plumbing pipe. 50-ball "rockets" at 300 psi. Worked great the first few times, when new people would show up having not seen it before. After a while the kids changed their tactics and it wasn't as useful. Plus making the shot cartridges because a pain in the ass.

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I love my old auto cocker, but no one else will play if I use it, so I use my little old spider, the thing about the a.c. Is it doesnt shoot fast or far but ittl knock you right off your feet. Maybe couse its a closed chamber or couse the barrel puts some rolla costa spin on it idk but it hits hard and no one lukes to see it come out,

It would be cool to start a game near pdx/clark county, I havnt played onve this year.

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I play quite a bit. I have a bunch of markers; Invert Mini, Ego 7, two classic and two '09 Impulses, a '98 MiniCocker, E-Mag, Splash Retro'd MiniMag, a couple Vibes, a Phantom, and a pump'd 2k1 STO. Probably missing one or two. If anybody has older equipment they want to get rid of, hit me up!

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  • 2 years later...

I havent been in awhile since there are no good fields in the area. I used to play competitively in SoCal and a bit once I moved east. Let me see whats in my bag: pump mag, pnuemag in pieces, FSP Viking, a 1of1 Viking Ive been building since like 2006, Featherlite Excal, and a Warped Sportz Ego 6. I should really get back out on the field... I used to play X ball mostly, but once I moved I had to just do speedball. Id like to get back into it if there was a decent field. 


All my crap is in storage. That custom Viking is almost done... I guess I do have the cash to finish it. Hmmm

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