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Mother in law

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Ok anyone else have a mother in law that loves to come over and start shit?


I'll call her mil " mom in law"


Mil has been staying at my house for about a week, left for a day and is now back again for another 2 days.


She gets on my nerves like no one else and says shit that drives me crazy.


This morning, I wake up with the boys after barely any sleep " I've had insomnia my whole life " get the boys downstairs and it's super cold, " oh I was hot last night so I openned the back door " she days while the. Dam heater and fire place is still on, as I'm closing the back door I notice my shoes are right by the door and soaked. " oh it's no big deal " she tells me...


She also has a old grumpy dog that has snapped at my kids and is not allowed around them, and when she is here I am the only one who feeds and walks him. So I call the dog to come upstairs, he won't come, I call him again, still nothing.


I walk to him and grab his collar and as I'm walking him upstairs she says " he is scared of you " I calmly take him upstairs and give him his morning food.


So it's time for me to start their breakfast, as I'm getting stuff ready and cracking eggs I hear " why don't you just give them watermelon?" in turn I say " they can't have just watermelon it does not have enough in it to sustain the boys mil " and in turn I get this reply " so it's against the law for them to have watermelon" and she starts laughing.


By this time I'm starting to get pretty pissed off, as I'm cooking she tells me that she can't leave because her leg hurts and she had to take 5 oxycodone, but she was up all last night in my back yard Lessing with pots and plants tell around 3:30 am.


I say " your leg couldn't have been too bad if you where up all night planting and gardening" to Wich I became a bad guy and she runs to my wife crying like a dam child, now this took a while for them to talk it out to where my wife said I need to say sorry.


"hell no, I didn't fucking say anything wrong" and she says " well she is very upset and you know she has a lung transplant and doesn't have much longer to live"


Then I start the real shit. " I know your mom has a lung transplant, why the hell is she smoking tobacco when someone gave her their lung anyway" oh no!!!!!


So my wife left for work pissed and took her moms dam car so she can't even leave if she wanted to and now I'm stuck here with one of the very most unappreciative and annoying people I have ever had the endure.


So I'm hiding in my room and my garage because the very sound of her voice feels like a red hot knife being jammed into my head right now. And she keeps letting dog be around them so I have to go and remove him about every 25 minutes.


I fucking swear if that dog snaps or bites my kids I will make her wary me stab him in the heart.


She does this kind of shit all the time, is here allthe time, never buys groceries, always starts crap, but I can't kick her ass out.


Venting was needed, thx for helping get it out

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I normally clown on threads like this, but dood. Seriously, its your house. Crack that fucking whip man. Tell that bitch whos the bawse in YOUR house. You are the alpha there, and let it be known, even if it pisses your wife off. Theres no reason to put up with shit in your pad. If you were at her place, it'd be a different story...


In before all the sexist bullshit...


I am not a mean person, i get along with my mother in law. Now and then she tries and tells me to do things in my house. I am nice about it and let her know, "No, This is how im going to do it"

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sounds like my friends situation down here.... my MIL is pretty chill. I work for here and since we moved back to cali we're staying with her for a bit longer. Some people just need to learn their place and STFU and let people do their things.

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I'm with Izzo. My mother-in-law is a little overbearing at times too, but being polite, yet stern with what you are going to do in your place is how it should be. I guess it helps though that my husband gets irritated with his mom too, so he doesn't get pissed at me when I say something, as I'm usually nicer to her about it than he would have been.


Or, another way to go is to treat her like a child, and do the popular method of planned ignoring..... just tune the bitch out and don't react, as all that she's doing is trying to push your buttons and get a reaction out of you. ;) Negative attention seeking behavior at its finest. Sadly some people never grow out of that shit.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Lol izzo I wish I had your brass, I tried the whole this is my house old hag!!! But all that came of it was the wifey not allowing me to touch her tenders for close to a month



time to rethink the whole plan stan :w00t: :rofl:

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Lol izzo I wish I had your brass, I tried the whole this is my house old hag!!! But all that came of it was the wifey not allowing me to touch her tenders for close to a month



^^^^ And what Datwifey said. Ignoring someone is worse then feeding into it ollz



You have internet, you dont need the wife for a month :rofl: one handed typing not so bad. You should talk to her and tell her that you're not cool with what her mom does in your house. She should back you up, she is your wife... You are her family now.

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DUDE!!!!!! im sorry but if you stand up and say something you will be better off, nobody should be able to walk over you like that. Im all for a little bit of compromise but you my friend are getting bent over. I know getting laid is fun but i would rather have blue balls and not get laid than be told wtf to do in my home.

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Hmm. I'm just trying to keep it all together tell my Vegas vacation is finished, I have over 3.5 k invested in this vaca and can't afford anything to get messed up. I'll bite my tongue for another 3 weeks


Then once I get back I'm going to really put the ban hammer to work.


This week stay over shit is going to stop too, she is going to come to visit and only be allowed to stay one night every week

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

I can't tell her to get out, she will take my kids, I can't live with out them. And I don't want her to leave, I love her and after her Vegas planning we worked out a ton of issues and have really been doing great.


But it's mil I want to kill.



All I can say is if you stay for all thr wrong reasons, doesnt work. yes you have kids together, but.if she is a control freak, she will always be one..

My ex wife tried that crap, guess what she is long gone, I got my sons(she had visits,and rarely used them, CYA bitch)

Now remarried, happy, have 2 daughters with her. no issues. :cool:

Do the datsun thing together , think alike yada yada

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I can't tell her to get out, she will take my kids, I can't live with out them.

Does she actually threaten you with that? If so, that's pretty fucked up and still shows total manipulation to keep your balls in a vice, rather than you and her working things out without the kids being held over your head or it most likely won't work, as right now it seems to work for all the wrong reasons.


*haha, just as 510freak just said while I was probably typing my reply.

Edited by DatWifey
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Take away any amenities that are enabling her to stay.

Treat her like the child she's acting like.


I wish I could give you helpful suggestions.

My MIL is the same way. Stuck in a "me, me, me" persona.

She say shes taking my daughter outside to play, then I fund my daughter on the far side of the yard, wilt MIL in the garage smoking, talking on the phone.

She'll start cleaning, and just space off the 20 tasks shes in the middle of to play solitaire.


I feel for you man.

Mother in laws suck.

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I get along with my in-laws but that's probably due to having a 3000 mile buffer zone, best thing ever..I highly recommend that...or you could 'help her out' by buying her (unfiltered) cigarettes to help speed up that process! :P

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Hmm. I'm just trying to keep it all together tell my Vegas vacation is finished, I have over 3.5 k invested in this vaca and can't afford anything to get messed up. I'll bite my tongue for another 3 weeks


Then once I get back I'm going to really put the ban hammer to work.


This week stay over shit is going to stop too, she is going to come to visit and only be allowed to stay one night every week



Your wife isnt the one that blew the datsun fund on the vegas trip is she?

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Damn good luck, my MIL and I get along luckily. But for the last month she has been staying with us because she broke her leg and needs assistance, plus she drove 8 hours to visit us and can't drive at the moment. So for the past month she has stolen our living room. Luckily I can hide in my garage, but she is screweing up my weekend, but I'll be rid of her this weekend.

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Your wife isnt the one that blew the datsun fund on the vegas trip is she?


Yeah, over 3k saved for my car spent on a vacation.


And no datwifey she doesn't threaten me, but she only works a few days a week and I normally work 5 days a week 10 hours a day 5-10 lol and I would be able to afford day are and courts would give her custody and give me weekends.


But like I said, when she spent all that money we had a huge fight, and we calmed down and worked out a lot of stuff. My issue isn't with my wife right now guys she has been doing really well sense we found a common solution.


It's mil. But I'll work it all out, right now I'm doing he silent treatment tell after the vaca

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Yeah, over 3k saved for my car spent on a vacation.


And no datwifey she doesn't threaten me, but she only works a few days a week and I normally work 5 days a week 10 hours a day 5-10 lol and I would be able to afford day are and courts would give her custody and give me weekends.


But like I said, when she spent all that money we had a huge fight, and we calmed down and worked out a lot of stuff. My issue isn't with my wife right now guys she has been doing really well sense we found a common solution.


It's mil. But I'll work it all out, right now I'm doing he silent treatment tell after the vaca



Not being a dick...

but did you work it out, she has denied access for what reason :lol:

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Actually we have really worked things out with money and hobbies. She is even thinking about helping the design of the interior of the car, I've been working very hard to get her into my project and she has been coming around.


And she deff knows that money spending needs to be discussed before hand. So the only real issue left is mil and my smoking tobacco. I havnt been able to quit

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