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^^^What he said^^. And for cryin out loud -- don't make any more threats on the forum. If anything happens he might get some piece of shit attorney to come after you. Try the legal way first. After that...things just kinda happen to guys like that ;) . You may not recover from the tweaker directly but you'll at least get a judgment. The real target should be the yard that received the stolen property. Get a lawyer on that one. Threaten to contact the local news outlets. Bad publicity is expensive so they will likely be glad to settle.

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^^^What he said^^. And for cryin out loud -- don't make any more threats on the forum. If anything happens he might get some piece of shit attorney to come after you. Try the legal way first. After that...things just kinda happen to guys like that ;) . You may not recover from the tweaker directly but you'll at least get a judgment. The real target should be the yard that received the stolen property. Get a lawyer on that one. Threaten to contact the local news outlets. Bad publicity is expensive so they will likely be glad to settle.


X2 It sounds like your best bet is to sue the yard. The perp probably doesn't have anything,that's why he steals. The sad part is he'll be out in no time,unless they hit him with more charges. Good luck,man!

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X2 It sounds like your best bet is to sue the yard. The perp probably doesn't have anything,that's why he steals. The sad part is he'll be out in no time,unless they hit him with more charges. Good luck,man!


It is all small claims amounts. Sue the perp and the yard In small claims. The yard may settle and fuck the thief, maybe you can sell a judgement to a collections agency and let them harass him forever. I agree, cut out the fantasy threats.




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There's honestly nothing worse than meth heads and hardcore addicts, they get a pass because the justice system is too pussy to handle them properly and our lovely constitution protects criminals better than it does law abiding citizens. Don't be rash, think through things and thoroughly clean his ass out. I'm sure some of his shit could be seized due to inability to pay fines or something along those lines.

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I had a similar situation in Kentucky with a 280z and got paid good money from the company that crushed the car with out proof of ownership.


This happenned a lot back in the day tell most states place ownership confermation laws to protect stolen cars from getting scraPped for cash.


These laws where mainly put in place to protect banks who give auto loans, see, what happens is some one buys a car under a loan, then something happens and they can't pay for the car loan, but instead of allowing the auto to be repossessed, they scrap the car for what ever they can get and allow the loan to charge off.


These laws also protect personal theft of a car if it is crushed with out proof of ownership.


It would be better for your case if you can somehow prove that the thief and the car crusher company have had dealings before in a similar fashion, it shows the judge the companies dis honest business practices, essentially proving that they are promoting auto theft for profit.

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So I wouldn't even really bother with trying to sue the tweeker, he will just stiff you after the small claims court is over.


The money is in the car yard that didn't follow procedure, if I get the info I asked for I can look up all the state and county laws for this event and get back to you.


I used to paralegal for a law firm and I know how to get any and all info you need regarding your local law

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for those that keep asking him questions. this user is gone and will not be returning.


note his "banned" user group under the avatar

Maybe that's a good idea for a sticky thread: BANNED MEMBERS HALL OF SHAME. Every member who gets banned could have a short "obituary" written by a mod telling why they are no longer welcome. It would be like the forum version of a head on a pike at the city gates to keep new members in line. Of course Kami would just see it as a challenge.

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