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Meh, they're all relevent. I actually use them and see a use for them. kinda sucks having that many though. I think it would be beneficial to have a small subforum under the General Discussion with all the pinned topics in it. Wouldn't really be seen there though

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Hit VIEW NEW CONTENT and skip it all. Some pinned stuff is from years ago, some is whimsical and has some slight relevance but like using the search, has to be waded through. Wouldn't hurt my feelings if it was gone through and thinned out.

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Wouldn't hurt my feelings if it was gone through and thinned out.


I'll second that!

It WOULD help if newbs would actually read them before they ask questions that are covered in the FAQ's or other pinned topics.

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I think I've said this before, but it would be easy to make one or two pinned topics simply with links to all the other currently pinned topics. Then the list is still easily accessible, you just click one thread to open links to all the other threads.

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