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Seeking legal advice! What should I do?

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This is kind of a complicated subject, but I'll give you guys the simple version.


I was, until a few weeks ago, employed at my local Kroger grocery store, working minimum hours in the grocery dept. for an extra few buck on the side. I've been there for about 3 years and in about mid-February, another local store closed, forcing several employees to be transfered to our store. At the same time, they cut out budgeted hours in the department. I was approached one night by my manager, telling me that for a short time, i will not have hours because of this. Other employees had seniority, and since I was working another job, I was first to be knocked off the list. A few months went by and I never heard anything back about any available hours. I go up occasionally and ask just to be sure, but there was never anything available.


Now, fast forward to a week ago.


I was approached by my brother who was pretty pissed and told me that he spoke to one of the managers who mentioned that I have officially been layed off due to lack of work. At the same time, i discovered that there WERE hours that became available in the department, and that shortly after I was layed off another few people were hired into the store.


INSTANT FUCKING RAGE TIME. I know this is breaking a federal law. I called the union at 9 this morning and left a message with my union rep, who has failed to return my call even though it's rather urgent. I don't expect an immediate response, so I figure I'll wait until end of day tomorrow and see what's up. Hopefully I get a call by then, because if not I'm gonna be PISSED.


Should I contact a lawyer about suing Kroger for lack of wages and wrongful termination? I KNOW what they did broke a federal law, so there must be some compensation.


My brother worked there for 6 years, and mentioned to me that he saw a similar situation at 1 point, and the person sued and won $10K from Kroger in lost wages and compensation.


What would you guys suggest at this point? Does it sound like a legit case to you?

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Jesus christ, this forum has turned into a fucking train wreck full of cancer with bullshit threads like this. Call an attorney if you want some legal advice, they will know laws where you are..




Why the hostility? Shit ain't necessary. Attorneys bank off of me winning money, so of course they're going to tell me I have a case. they loose nothing but time with it if its a loss..



I simply asked whether or not people though it was worth me wasting my time perusing.

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If you don't like the thread don't reply to it, bumping it to the top. You don't have to be rude, the guy was asking a question just like anyone else, how do you know that we don't have an attorney, paralegal, or just very judicially smart member?


About the legal advice: if they are an at will union employer then you are SOL. If they are not at will or contract based employers, you will need to talk to someone who knows.

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Why the hostility? Shit ain't necessary. Attorneys bank off of me winning money, so of course they're going to tell me I have a case. they loose nothing but time with it if its a loss..



I simply asked whether or not people though it was worth me wasting my time perusing.


No hostility, but again, this forum is getting full of cancer like this :\


If you don't like the thread don't reply to it, bumping it to the top. You don't have to be rude, the guy was asking a question just like anyone else, how do you know that we don't have an attorney, paralegal, or just very judicially smart member?


About the legal advice: if they are an at will union employer then you are SOL. If they are not at will or contract based employers, you will need to talk to someone who knows.



And to you Dirk, "If you don't like the thread don't reply to it". Well, you should follow your own rule of thumb... If you dont like my post, dont reply? :rofl:

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how do you know that we don't have an attorney, paralegal, or just very judicially smart member?



About the legal advice: if they are an at will union employer then you are SOL. If they are not at will or contract based employers, you will need to talk to someone who knows.

Thanks bud, thats really a good question I suppose. i don't know much about how the union operates, and never had to deal with one, so i guess for now I need to keep bugging the shit out of the rep until she gets off her ass and helps me.

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If you don't like the thread don't reply to it, bumping it to the top. You don't have to be rude, the guy was asking a question just like anyone else, how do you know that we don't have an attorney, paralegal, or just very judicially smart member?


About the legal advice: if they are an at will union employer then you are SOL. If they are not at will or contract based employers, you will need to talk to someone who knows.


hey look at that someone helped... guess this thread worked. talk to ur union and if u have to go storming into the union office and raise hell till someone answers ur questions. i know my cousin did union work and they are usually gonna do something to help u. i mean u pay union dues for a reason and the store is union for a reason!

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dudes this isnt a cancer thread... we are family here and we should give eachother advice on whatever... you guys are like brothers...


yes this thread is not cancer


this is cancer






p.s. isnt this the general discussion area.... which is wat this is? a general discussion????? :blink:

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I see this thread being aok but I will admit to posting off topic on stuff other than datsuns too. I don't give a shit for facebook and the friends I do have I just talk in person with. Ratsun is a good resource thread for absolutely anything you need somebody can surely help. Hell we even have an insomniacs thread (most pages that I know of but correct me if I'm wrong) and it's full of interwebs bullshit and late night ranting. And I loves me the shit out of that thread and all of ratsun! Don't know any lawyers with datos and I'm certainly not one myself but sometimes you just get skrewed over in the workplace. Read ALWAYS get fucked by jobs. Not much you can do but piss in the parking lot and scream obcenities at your former boss. But if your union rep thinks a line has been crossed and you should take legal action find a no risk lawyer. Nothing sucks worse then spending more on a law rat then you will actually be compensated for. Good luck with whatever action you take

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your a union member? your all paid up and an actual full member?



then your protected by your union.



but you need to talk to a rep to get the skinny on what they can and cant do.



talk to your union rep





Im not a lawyer........ but I play one on the internet



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laid off or fired? there is a difference,


Laid off due to a lack of hours then they hire more people to do the work you did , is a huge no no. technically you are still on the payroll list just not getting any hours till further notice, but they could have atleast had the cajones to call you in and hand over lay off papers. The union should be able to do somthing about this, that is what you pay union dues for.


Fired due to lack of hours and then they hire people to do the work you did, is not a no no but is frowned upon depending on how long they waited to hire the new people. Again they could have atleast called you in and given you termination papers.



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I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express one time.


Union rep first, and foremost. Don't wait for that phone call.

Drive down there. Kick a garbage can, pound your fists on the counter, and get some.


Kroeger should know better than that.

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And to you Dirk, "If you don't like the thread don't reply to it". Well, you should follow your own rule of thumb... If you dont like my post, dont reply? :rofl:


There's a difference between a post and thread :fu:


Can we get some tittehs before this gets locked?

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