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The Great Western (American) Civilization reached it's peak about the same time that continental oil production peaked, the early '70s. It's no co-incidence that this was pretty much the end of cheap energy. It's been going down hill for about 40 years. A form of internal rot. It's a gradual change so it's not easy to see when you are in the middle years. Take a look historically.


Infrastructure isn't failing from lack of skilled trade workers. Government isn't keeping up the infrastructure so there isn't the extra need for skilled workers. It's self regulating so if there was a need, the gap would be filled, admittedly not overnight but within half a generation or so. In the short term workers could be imported to do the work. But take note...


The Roman Empire near it's end, became complacent and started hiring mercenaries to fight it's wars. Eventually it's armies were made up from countries captured in war. Not good. When the barbarians were at the gate the army mostly non Romans cared little. A form of internal rot.


Civilizations rise and fall. Look at Great Britain. At one time it ruled the world, controlled the seas with it's navy, had colonies on every continent and the sun never set on it's empire. Ever wonder why boats have the steering wheel on the right? Much of maritime law was written by the Brits. The universal language is English. Well they have fallen back as newer empires have risen each to take their turn. It happens.

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I didn't watch the vider tidbit but I'll take the canadian on his words. Half of America thinks how all powerful ad unstopable of a waring nation the USA has become but I too for see it's time coming to a quick end. The economy and market opperates on a wave and the political leaders in the right place at the wrong time get the blame. The split of this nation does little to show a country founded off unity and Civil liberties for all is becoming too much of a left vs right nation. This internal rot of society clashing with itself only weakens our nation. The politics of what is right vs what is needed to be done is far to religiously based. With the 150 year aniversary of freedom loving America kicking the souths ass it is amazing how many people still side with the confederacy and how these states map so closely over a political map of current voting patterns between republican and democrat. I wouldn't be the least bit supprised if sucession of the souther states from the norther doesn't happen within my life time. Personally I feel as if that would do wonders for atleast half of America. Sure the south will fall into the shitter but the norther states will be far more successful and a lot more will get done for the people. But all in all if china hasn't passed us yet they most certainly will one way or another. The united states is in decline. Once the tumor is cut it only a matter of time until the bleeding stops and the nation is fully healed so to speak.

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It means if the south thinks it's better off doing things their way and the north is holding them back from.. Lack of progress then let em. I feel like it would do a lot of good for both political parties. For example think of all the developments in science that wouldn't be restrained by religious right wingers. Maybe I should more to radical leftist island but I just personally believe after the innitial shock of the USA splitting in half then both halves will be just fine. They benefit from

one another just isn't worth the political grid lock and the rich trouncing the poor of our nation. There is too much division of socioeconomic classes even within parties

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