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Resistance is futile......much like life! :D


[.img]http://.YOUR URL PICTURE.JPG HERE[./img] (Delete periods, had to include, otherwise it won't show the tag.


That's how you post pictures. And it helps if you have your website, even if it hasn't been updated in half a year because you post everything on ratsun and begin to wonder why you even bother keeping a website anymore.

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im gonna start a thread.


complaining about another thread, thats complaining about another thread, that just so happens to be a flame war that came out of another thread that was about another thread. but see the kicker is that first thread hasnt even happened, so im gonna be stuck in some kinda time warp thread thats about another thread that hasnt even happened yet.

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You want me to end this thread right now? OOOOOOO-KAAAAAYYYYYYYYY! Observe:




What an asshole! :D (That is what a prolapsed hemorrhoid looks like. Thank goodness it's not me...yet.!) Remember to eat your fiber, kids.

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