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Umm..Why you got to dis? PM me bro!

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I've yet to get upset on the internet(minus chess).

Literally I'm sitting at my computer playing chess

and checking back now and then watching the debate.

It's a good thing, not an angry thing. Its needs

be talked about on a legit platform/thread.

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i understand having people post on threads when they are not needed, and fucking up your sale. i think that sucks.

i think those post should be removed. and that those people should be talked to.

but it seems like the mods are being blamed for letting it happen.

just like you said if someone has something to say they should do it in a pm, if someones fucking with your sale you should send a mod a pm.

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i understand having people post on threads when they are not needed, and fucking up your sale. i think that sucks.

i think those post should be removed. and that those people should be talked to.

but it seems like the mods are being blamed for letting it happen.

just like you said if someone has something to say they should do it in a pm, if someones fucking with your sale you should send a mod a pm.



Yes I agree.

Mods arent' problem, trust me.

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Matt. Say what you want but that part is over priced. I pointed it out and made a legitimate offer and would have bought it had he accepted. The deal I got on the one before was not a special deal. I didn't get get it from my uncle, or out of some field, or find it in a junk yard. 100 bucks for a fucking valve cover worth 25. If it was polished then maybe. Some people ask to much for their parts not realizing they aren't that rare or worth that much. Yes, maybe i should have pm'd him. But it said or best offer, and i said it was only worth 25 as thats the MOST I've ever seen them go for.



Like those fucking elephant oil caps, people keep putting those up for sale thinking they are worth their weight in gold, when in reality they are everywhere and not worth shit.

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Of all the places to post I dislike the for sale the most. There are guidelines to follow and still people post there without a price, minimal description or no location which sets of a storm of questions that were never needed if it had been done correctly in the first place. A picture (pictures would be better and not those out of focus $2 cell phone ones) of what you are selling should be mandatory unless mods approve the reason why not. Now that's enough bitching about that.


If you think the price is too high then that's only your opinion and no one has asked you to express it. So please think about it as long as you want and then STFU. about it. Now if you feel that you can't contain your outrage at such a blatant rip off price then p/m the seller and let him know. If you just have to save a buyer from a big mistake then send him a p/m and say so. BUT you had better have some good reasons and facts to back it up and not be wasting someone's time. If I get a complaint from a buyer or seller about being harasses about a sale I'll come down on you!!! So think long and hard about this first because I'm tired of the bullshit. Report your complaint to a mod but back it up with some fact not opinion. We'll look at it and if appropriate perhaps remove it or have the seller change it. No guarantees though. From now on if there are posts in a for sale thread that do not 'contribute' they are gone. Those that continually post only to bitch about the prices can have a warning. If you are not buying stay out of it. Any criticism had better pass a mod's idea of being constructive or it will be removed as well. Posting to say GLWS is a waste of everyone's time and will be removed. Buyers and sellers comments only.


I think the for sale area could be better and serve out members much better than it is. Yes we are cheap bastards and many items are an excellent price often the postage is higher to send it. It's too bad that all items aren't like this but that's the way it is. If something (for what ever reason, be it too expensive or unique) fails to sell or draw interest perhaps it should be closed after a certain time rather than it being bumped every two or three days for two months or having it revived after two years. Call it a shelf life.

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:blink: you guys are still going round with this? Hell I figured it would be locked by now. :blink:


BS talking posts on a sale thread is not cool, calling BS on a ripoff is a different story. Like Skib said, hit the report button. And Mike, didnt you say yourself that copper wire came from two datsun owners fighting over a penny? :lol:


If you want more money, I post on CL, I dont waste time with fleabay, and I offer my Datto stuff to Ratsun members cheaper than I do on CL. Hell I even ask them if they are on Ratsun if not I invite

them. You have to have a thick skin in the interwebs, getting mad does two things, they succeed in pissing you off and waste you time, neither is worth the headache or the keystokes.

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I am glad we are having this discussion.


Some may think the mods are blind to this but we are not and we have had discussions specifically about this.


The idea has been brought up to not allow ANY comments in the FS section period. Everything PM. Then allow the seller to bump once a week or every 3 days or something. If the price is to high it will come down or it will just die off.


This is the way the HAMB is run. And it works.


But often there are great comments in the FS section. History, good discussions, etc. etc. And we haven't wanted to kill that aspect.


But I am fully prepared to make the new rule, NO COMMENTING ON PRICE, PERIOD. (Unless the seller specifically asks for it.)


I will talk to the other mods about it.

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I agree Scott, there is often nuggets of info in a fore sale post. Also sometimes the article is accidentally misnamed or even unknown other than it says Datsun or Nissan on it. Some comments are expected and encouraged, specially if the contribute.

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