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Why does my car drive like crap in the rain?

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Everytime it rains, my car seems to have some sort of igniting issue. or so it seems, at least. Even less power than usual, constant missfires, choke and die from the get go unless i burn the clutch off through first, and even during normal driving sometimes it will decide that it wants to throttle bump and when you give it more gas you can here and feel it choke... These things only happen when it rains. Somekind of egnition wiring getting wet? ditributor? everything in the engine bay LOOKS dry though...

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These things only happen when it rains.


Electricity ALWAYS tries to find the shortest path to ground.


The plastic around the top of the coil could be cracked or carbon tracked and the high voltage jumping onto the negative terminal just a couple of cm away.

The top or underside of the dizzy cap could be cracked or carbon tracked and voltage jumping to another wire.

The carbon button that the top of rotor makes contact with could be damaged/missing

Rotor and cap contacts may be worn.

Wires and nipples could be old and cracked

Porcelain insulator on spark plug cracked


When dry it is harder for voltage to leak away but when moist it will flow to ground.


Carbon tracking is where voltage has successfully arced to ground and left a burnt mark along the surface of a wire or plastic cap. Once it's there it's easier to arc a second time.


Don't forget rain or mist gets blown all over the dizzy by the water pump fan. Everything gets damp. A quick fix is to wipe all the wires and cap down with WD-40 on a rag. It removes grease and dirt and leaves an insulating layer. If this fixes it then you know what needs replacing.

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