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FREE DAN!!!!!!!!

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Well listen guys I am going to step away from the computer for a little bit got to pack stuff up and go home I will be on here in a little bit though---ttyl


Same here just got back from town.


Might be a good Idea to start a thread just for this problem. Maybe the 620 section?

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club meet up date jadyen wants my title to change to "club slut". i thought of a good one for jayden- "never went THAT way". We have a guy that came and took oics and another took a video. The biggest news though is Gage drove a Buick to a Datsun meet.

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Well Dan, today you accounted for 11.39% of all ratsun posts and will be the winner of the post whore of the day award. How many? 68 posts. Only 5 6 used the word Datsun in them so lets bring that content up a bit .I see you got one last post in at 11:59 which added .23% to your total.

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