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Well my surgery sort of worked

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Its been almost a week since my surgery, and i was told by my doctor my nerve should be good around 2-3 days after surgery, which will be a sign of what feeling i get back in the legs and that that i wont. Ive gotten about 30% feeling back, but im still numb in my left foot on the side of it, in the ankle and the heal :( hasnt changed a bit, but the rest of my leg, just has a few tiny spots of numbness. Im hoping more will go away as time goes on, but the nerve is out of the inflamation zone so its not being affected unlike a few other ones are right now. It seems like i am going to have to have a auto as a daily driver, because driving stick with a numb foot has been hard as hell to do, i cant feel when the clutch is in right, so ive been grinding when ive never had that issue before. Just sucks cuz i hate driving auto's. But other than that area of feeling not coming back, im feeling pretty good right now, not as highly medicated, mid back is feeling great compared to after the last surgery. And this scar is going to be huge, i look like i have a zipper in my back right now. Have a good Gobble Gobble today guys.

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You'll be good dude ;) No worry to stress. Sometimes it takes longer then the doctors estimate. Remember, everyones body is different so people heal differently.


Just chill on the couch, have a beer, and keep poking your leg until you feel something. laugh.gif

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Lower lumbar fusion. 2 metal rods, and a metal plate where the lower disc in my back should be. It feels freaking weird, but most of the swelling has gone down, so things should be coming back. I just feel like a drug store with all the pills i got.

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Lower lumbar fusion. 2 metal rods, and a metal plate where the lower disc in my back should be. It feels freaking weird, but most of the swelling has gone down, so things should be coming back. I just feel like a drug store with all the pills i got.

A lot of metal there! If you plan to do any flying, get a letter from your doctor stating what surgery was performed, and if possible a print out of an X-ray. A friend of mine had a knee replacement, used to fly back and forth to Australia, and finally did the above note and x-ray bit. It saved him many pat-downs.

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