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They are 45's I went back and forth between the 42's and 45's I thought the 42's would be to small and when I got the 45's in they seemed big. I fired them up yesterday and had it idleing at 800rpms in no time and it is super responsive the acletetor pump sprays the fuel straight into the head. I had dual dual 40DCOE and they just seemed like to much carb for 2.0L These 45's seem just about right.


I took a short test drive last night (no air fitlers) should get them tomorrow. The induction sounds is Sweet sounding. I wasnt ever getting on it to much with the rebuilt eng. Tighter sounding than dual DCOE webers.


I noticed http://www.piercemanifolds.com/newproducts.htm has them available. The guy in New York mods them for the

for car use.


I will post updates later.

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I thought you were going with FI on the PC wagon. It would be a big improvemnt over the weber Dgv. So far the carbs have worked great and super easy to adjust.


Here is a couple more pics and I am going to post a video soon. The engine really pulls strong with the carbs.





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that is a sweet setup. sounds like you got it all set up right. seems like dual 44's or 45's work well for LZ2.2's. I myself run dusl SK45's and heard Steve Epperly uses Z Su's for LZ2.2's. seems like a good set up for many dual su intake manifolds. how much did those carbs set you back?

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I thought you were going with FI on the PC wagon. It would be a big improvemnt over the weber Dgv. So far the carbs have worked great and super easy to adjust.


Just call me Brett Favre ... I have been changing my mind on the FI project every hour or so. I have accumulated some of the parts but just can't seem to pull the trigger and commit to it quite yet.


I really like this setup though. It looks very simple and clean. Can't wait for the video.

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I sent an eMail to Vintage Performance about using these carbs on my Lynx manifold single DCOE manifold and got this response ...


With slight modifications two HSR Mikunis can be mounted in place of a DCOE weber. We start with the normal dual carb kit, shorten the extended shafts between the two carbs, remove or shorten the idle speed adjuster on one carb, mount them using the same mounting adapters we normally use, and then use adapters so that the DCOE style air filter can be used. The Quad Mikuni kit uses two of these carb "pairs"'.


Way cool ...

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I notice on the site they have them set up on MGB engines! That is cool for me because of the 59's C engine. But would also be cool for those with the E1 and J-series. The problem I have is I think just bout any dual carb setup will hit the steering column in the '59.


Cool to dream though! Especially the moss supercharger version!

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I like these as they have a acell pump.


This might put Z Tharapy out on the street. Why spend money rebuilding a SU when you can have new/w accell pump.


Make sure you have full throttle on that linkage.





Basic kit for my single weber DOCE application was $795

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Price: I think it was about $700.00.


Dryheat I talked to him about using a single DCOE manifold with one carb but it was going to be more expensive and the he thought the performance wouldnt be as good with just one carb. so I found the SU intake and went with that. and very pleased with the performance and simplicity of them.


I had DCOE on my other L20b and the new carbs are much simpler and work way better. I could never get the webers dialed in and spent a ton of money on jets and chokes and you had to buy 4 of everthing and SU's I dint spend enough time messing with them.


I am wanting to post a video except I sent my dizzy out to be recurved and its going to be a week before I get it back and the weather here is cold and snowy(sucks). I will post one as soon as I get the dizzy back.


I can say the carbs are super responsive and sound excellent.


Engine build is as follows. LZ2.2Liter 10to1 Compression


L20B bored to 87MM

Standard Z2.2L pistons

Z2.2 Crank

L20B Rods.

Total Seal Piston Rings

Above all balanced( make for a really smooth running engine)

Milled U67 Head 280Z vavles(Rebello valve job)Have some clicking issues going to check the wipe pattern.

.475lift Isky Cam

Stock L16 exhuast manifold

23Pound Z Flywheel lightend to 20#( Probably wasnt necessay)

225MM Clutch 550#pressure plated( Very Positive feeling)

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Bolt on was simple, even taking the carbs on and off is easy.


I am planning on Dyno the motor want to get a few more miles on it.


Right now I switch it over to throttle cable instead of the linkage. Should look cleaner and simpler with the cable instead of linkage.

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