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The new forum software rocks

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Just wanted to comment that the new software rocks! Still learning the quirks of the Search, but, other than that:


  • no longer get disconnected every 3-5 freaking minutes.
  • easy on the eyes.
  • easy to use.
  • isn't Gay Ass vBulletin v4! :lol:


First beer's on me for Thomas & Co.





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I still hate that the search goes in chronological order instead of relevance. It's making it so a lot of threads that are old enough are just forgotten because you can't find them. I search post-ass, post, post-as and get 8 pages of results none of which are the post-as(s) thread. Mind you the post-its thread was in there twice. Google had the thread as the 1st result, ridiculous. :rolleyes:


Also still HATE having to look through every new thread to find ones I have posted in. I used to hit user cp before and all the threads I had posted in with new posts were there waiting, nice and easy. Now it's like pulling teeth having to sort through every filler/pointless/bs post or ones I just didn't care about to find the few I do.

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Also still HATE having to look through every new thread to find ones I have posted in. I used to hit user cp before and all the threads I had posted in with new posts were there waiting, nice and easy. Now it's like pulling teeth having to sort through every filler/pointless/bs post or ones I just didn't care about to find the few I do.



Crap. Forgot about that. You're right...

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I still hate that the search goes in chronological order instead of relevance. It's making it so a lot of threads that are old enough are just forgotten because you can't find them. I search post-ass, post, post-as and get 8 pages of results none of which are the post-as(s) thread. Mind you the post-its thread was in there twice. Google had the thread as the 1st result, ridiculous. :rolleyes:




search with quotes

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Just use google for everything

* use google to search for ratsun posts

* use google to search other auto forums

Use google to search other web sites


Can't go wrong with this. Oh and searching in quotes didn't work last week...but works on Google and always has!


This forum rocks, vastly better than the last version of Ratsun.

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See I'd argue you can go wrong there lol. You have to either leave the forum or open a new tab to search google. WTF is the point of a forum having a search if you have to do that to google? At that point just stop cock teasing and remove the search all together lol. The quotes bit helps but its still sub par even for a forum search.


Yes it rocks, we all love it or wouldn't spend so much time but ass kiss comments aside there ARE issues.

I'm not saying this vs is bad and its def better then the last abortion after the upgrade but nothing so far has beat the regular plain jane one that preceded. Thats all there is to it.

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