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My 1973 620 is Gone (Stolen)


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So sorry to hear of your loss, especially with the history you have with it...I truly hope it is recovered for you!


The only Vehicle that I have had stolen thankfully, was back in 98, my 94 integra gsr (yes, I swayed from the path of holiness...lol!) now, the problem herein is the fact that most people get a viper, at least here in Az as it is the most widely pushed alarm by your local stereo installers. What that means is, everyone's alarm sounds exactly the same. So one night at my apartment about midnight, I hear an alarm go off right behind my back patio where the parking lot is, so I get my butt off the couch and start walking toward the rear door to see if it's mine. I then hear the alarm chirp off, as if someone had the remote and disarmed it. Now this is my fault, but I just thought it was my neighbor again who had recently gotten one installed, but kept forgetting he had it, so was still unlocking his door, opening it, only to set the alarm off and would then disarm it. So I turned around, sat my butt back down and watched the rest of the movie. Next morning...gone. no broken glass...nothing.

I call the cops and go through all that only to get a call at 10am that morning stating that they found it about 15 miles away...stripped...wow, 10 hours and stripped. basicly they took everything that swaps into a civic and then a few other things. weird thing is they left my BBS rims on it! guess they needed rollers or something to get rid of it.

I go to the insurance yard to look at it, recover anything I could (including the rims, told the insurance they were my friends and gave them the stockers... :P ) and I noticed that the alarm wasn't even touched, nothing cut, no damages. while there I contacted the investigating officer and told him about it and that I thought it odd and reminded him of how the night before had gone down.

Not sure how they are now, but the officer told me on the model alarm I had with the valet switch, that if you have the key, unlock and open the door, the alarm goes off, put the key in the ignition, turn to on while either holding the "hidden" valet switch or something to that effect, it turns off the alarm...key in hand, car is gone. Come to find out, the import shop here called "speedzone" where I just had some stuff done since I got yelled at for working on my car at my apartment, were making copies of keys anytime a car came in for work!!! went to their store where I was just at two days ago...gone, empty, just a few nuts and bolts laying around. From what I had heard (later of course) was the owner had warrants in Cali for doing the same thing, came here, did it some more, and went back to Cali. About 5 years ago, I was telling the story to a friend of mine in a car club and he had known the guy and heard he was now working as a mechanic at a honda dealership!!!! YIKES!

Since that day, I have wired in the horn, or like on my Bugs, air horns so they have a different sound than everyone else out there with a viper AND installed kill switches. It's not full proof...but it's just another step...

In the end, worked out good for me as the insurance gave me way more than what I paid or had into it

The same thing happend to me on my Mazda pickup. It got stolen from a mall (with a alarm) still havent figured that out. I reported it stolen and cop was like, you know you probly wont see it again, and was almost blaming me for the theft because it was customized. So I got a call from Snohomish County sheriff (just North of Seattle) and said they had found my truck but it wasnt drivable and that they where going to impound it...So they did and the next day I met the insurance guy up at the inpound lot and it was stripped down. Took all the interior, all stereo equipmentm wires and all, my La Carrea billet steering wheel, all the chrome crap off the engine, etc,,,funny thing about it was almost all of the stuff, steering wheel seats, etc. had all been switched out with all stock mazda crap. So whom ever stole it for sure had a mazda. Hell they even took the tinted windows. But they must not have liked the wheels because they didnt take them...crazy stuff...

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  • 2 months later...
2eDeYe' date='18 February 2010 - 02:56 PM' timestamp='1266530166' post='267748']

Get a list together, I would donate a few parts to the cause. I'm sure what I don't have, someone else gots. :)


So, I've had my vehicle inspected by the Cal DMV and also had the "Brake and Lamp Inspection" completed. The Brake and Lamp Inspection was particularly tough because ALL of the original equipment needed to work as though this was a new vehicle. The process to re-title will end up costing an additional $167.00 in DMV and inspection fees. Luckily, the truck is exempt from the smog section of the re-title requirement in California. I also had the Court restitution hearing today, and I convinced the Judge that my 1973 Datsun 620 is worth $2535, and that I should be compensated $167 for the re-titling process for a grand total of $2702. I had a bunch of printouts of sales posted to Ebay and Craig's List that showed a range in value for this truck, in good working order, of between $2400 and $3000 in the Southern California market. The judge liked the research. The defendant has two felony convictions already, so a failure to meet probation requirements, like paying restitution, will default to a third felony conviction in California, and he'll go to prison. The DA was very helpful and supportive in obtaining this judgment. I have an appointment at the DMV on May 12th to complete the re-title paperwork.

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Let's just hope this dirtbag defaults. Off the streets for a mere $2700. Sorry about the truck, I know how much effort I have in my ride and would be sick about it getting stolen. Sounds like it will end up pretty good overall.


aka exit64

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Glad you got the truck back. Post up his name on the forum. I've seen other forums where if someone owes money or stole something, they get their name and address posted up and permanently marked.


From the sounds of this tweeker, it's my guess he's probably already on Meganslaw website. SIcckkkO.


I deal with SD degenerates from time to time being that I work downtown.


Glad you got your truck back though. Here's a tip: SANITIZE EVERYTHING!! I'm talking rubbing alcohol and Clorox wipes to follow.

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  • 5 weeks later...

On a couple of high end alarms I put in mercury tilt switches in the visor so you had to pull down the passenger visor to start the car. Ive also done one where you have to hold down the "resume" button on the cruise control to fire it up. I have a bunch of other good locations if you are interested.


You can also do multiple switches and have a sequence to get it started. Also try to use your existing wiring harness with an unused wire to fool them even further. If you have an older alarm use diodes on your lights so they cant short them out.

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