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its like hes got naked pics of the moderators and a sheep or something..



nope, its beacuse you come off more "dick" than "helpfull"


and its his build thread, he can post all the pics of his never used wrenches if he wants :lol:

stupid pics arnt against any of the rules....




posts that come off as attacks on other members on the other hand....... are.

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You gonna talk me thru this L20B build when I feel better?




Lol @ never used wrenches (Cept 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 21mm, & 3/4)




Of Course ,,, We'll all help ya man ;) ,,,,,,



You'll love it man ,,, building a motor is always fun ( even just overhaul/re-building ) :cool:



Hope you get better over the pneumonia man ! :)

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nope, its beacuse you come off more "dick" than "helpfull"


and its his build thread, he can post all the pics of his never used wrenches if he wants :lol:

stupid pics arnt against any of the rules....




posts that come off as attacks on other members on the other hand....... are.


I prefer the term asshole, to dick ... but I never have been one to rip someone early on then defend him at a later date....I tend to try and keep it even keel as apposed to flip flopping back and forth....maybe it was pointed out as a moderator u should be more impartial but then again you are calling me a dick now...oh and for the record I wasn't going for helpful...I think i hit my mark..

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I prefer the term asshole, to dick ... but I never have been one to rip someone early on then defend him at a later date....I tend to try and keep it even keel as apposed to flip flopping back and forth....maybe it was pointed out as a moderator u should be more impartial but then again you are calling me a dick now...oh and for the record I wasn't going for helpful...I think i hit my mark..



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did you get my pm.......seems not to far off.. by the way this asshole would be interested in your satan caddys...if your ever headed up this way...do they come with tires...i would take them off your hands.. i got a set of chrome ones that arent gonna make it back on my bagged mazda.. i got satins on my 521 and like them far better than my chrome ones... worse my chrome ones are immaculate.. thought about powdercoating them ...but the trucks black and dont want a black wheel. and on top of even that i dont really like eskys powdercoated... ps i will own being a dick or asshole anytime.. my wife tells me so :blink:


ps you asked about powdercoating a while ago and i will do some stuff for you too if you want to make a deal on those rims...i work 12hr days though so i would need them delivered or I could figure something out with a vendor of mine to have you drop them off in vancouver and they could bring them to me.. if you ended up wanting the coating done you could just drop the shit off and i will ship it back to you on my dime... that is if you decide you can deal with a self proclaimed assholio... :rolleyes:

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Possibly might be trading my Benz for that 4x4. Not final yet, but I'm GONNA GO AHEAD AND ASK YOUR OPINIONS Lol


(Everyone cept Jrock, cause his opinion will say that I should Grow a Mullet and Drive a Chevy TeeRuck!)


"In This Corner We have Weighing in at a Robust Four-Thousand Pounds MER-CEDES-BENZ!" Crowd goes wild




"...And the challenger able to jump over Chihuahuas in a single bound, you've had 2wd, its DAT-SUN 6-2-0!!!" Crowd goes wild some more













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Neat Truck :D ,,, If you already have a "comfort car" than I say this is a good candidate ! ,,,


Specs ? ( I see webber carb ,,,Tires look newer ,,,, not much rust ( comparitively ) ,,,,,,what motor ? ) Not partial to rims ( mostly the white ) <---- that's a minor detail :lol:


I like it :cool: ,,, Well worth a look !


Specs ???

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What do you guys think? Any Oics I should request from this Dude? He says this in ad:


Rare 1976 Datsun 620 bulletnose pickup with factory CJ5 conversion to part time 4 wheel drive.

2.0 l 4cylinder 4 Spd. Very good restoration project, imported from Idaho so not much rust.

Runs & drives good. $4000 obo.



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And best part is...I can get another Benz, my 300E is my "winter beater" so I didn't have to winter abuse a Datto. But if I got this 4x4, then it would be the winter truck obviously.


Lol I clearly like multiples of the same thing...now only if I could stock up on Wives....



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