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Ha! Motivation? Yeh right, I've been trying to finish the paint on my 510 for a few months now. Usually I go out and look at what needs to be done, then go back inside cuz I don't feel like working on it.



You're a big help....:lol:

Try to do a little each day ,that's what I do. Set some kind of goal no matter what.


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Smiley - no idea how old you are, but music is what I was going to suggest too. Couple of my standby's are:


Van Halen - 1984/Jump

Bruce Springstein - Born in the USA

Pat Benatar - Best Shots

ZZ Top - Greatest Hits

Garth Brooks - No Fences


Not really a country fan, but sometimes Garth will get things kick started...

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I find that tinkering with other things in the garage near my truck will eventually lead me to working on the truck... or truck related stuff. Even if I'm not motivated to work on it, as long as I'm near it my mind starts working and I start fixing things before I know it.

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Guest DatsuNoob

When you're getting lazy, just think of all of us guys who have to drive to an outside location to work on our rigs. Sometimes it's not easy to drag myself outta bed and get fired up myself, but I still work on mine a minimum of 4 days a week for about 3hrs after driving 20 minutes to it's present location. Working graveyard, some days I work on my truck more hrs than I sleep, just to get another baby step to keeping my promise for next year's Canby show. You've got to have goals/deadlines and hold yourself to them, if you make excuses for yourself, things'll never get done. So fire up that heater, get a cup of coffee and a coat (or a beer, I like beer) sack up and get in that garage.:fu:

Edited by DatsuNoob
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