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1976 nissan silvia, Spokane,WA

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Oh yes, in USA the S10 was marketed as the 200SX, and LHD form of course. Grille and taillights are different and it had the mandatory park-bench bumpers. They are not popular on the used car market, but are a good car. Mostly people buy them for the "shorty" 5-speed and swap parts into their 510s and trucks.


This one is way too nice for a parts car, it is RHD and with EGI, would make a nice daily driver or a show car. They were originally designed for the Nissan rotary engine, hence the futuristic styling.

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This may not be my place to say something, but I think it's gotta be done...


I sent the seller a message reminding him to inform potential buyers of the roof being chopped off. That hasn't been added to the auction. It's certainly none of my business, but that's a HUGE issue.


If I didn't know, and I placed the winning bid, and traveled all the way to freakin' SPOKANE to get it, and saw that the roof had been lopped off...


Hoo, boy. Seller would be neatly packed into the trunk with a jack handle sticking out of his.... ;)


Just sayin'.


Do the right thing and update the auction, dude.

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If I didn't know, and I placed the winning bid, and traveled all the way to freakin' SPOKANE to get it, and saw that the roof had been lopped off...



I was thinking exactly the same thing, but too lazy to email the seller. The roof mod is a major issue to "forget" to include in the pics and description. Even if it is some rare Silvia option, I think most buyers would want to know about it. It will be interesting to see if he adds something about the roof to his auction.



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I thought this was the car with the " Targa " roof ! Never mind did you look at the sellers feedback on Ebay ?


Yikes !


I posted a question asking if this was the same car with a cut roof I'd seen in Spokane a few years ago. The seller was nice enough to PM me and let me know it is the same car. He said it is kind of a Targa roof. It has been long enough since I've seen the car, I can't remember exactly what the roof looked like. I do remember there was a black vinyl covering over the roof. I think it was held on with snaps. As a recall, it is a nice car, and I'm not saying the modded roof ruins the value of it, but it seems like something a buyer should be told about. I haven't looked at the Youtube vids. Maybe there is full disclosure there, but none of the 15 pics on the eBay listing show the roof.


Good catch on the feedback. I didn't notice that. Reading the feedback comments, it seems he is a wonderful buyer and a lousy seller. To me, his feeback score says as much about eBay as it does him. I guess eBay is okay with an iffy seller, as long as he only screws over a few buyers a year. Yikes! is right both for seller and eBay.



Edited by LenRobertson
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Bottom line is, the car will never be worth what it once was, unless the trim and interior pieces (that were cut) are replaced and the top re-welded and restored.


Cutting the top off a car destroys its structural integrity. I'd bet it twists like crazy on corners.

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The top has been cut, Its not really an issue though, no leaks, no noises, no twists, You can hardly notice it,thanks.

As for my Ebay account , I had problems before when I sold things and shipping, That was a year ago or more, I had a drinking problem and now Im in an AA program and have been sober for a year. We all make mistakes and Im trying to rebuild now. The car will not be shipped, that was the only problem with feedback.


I look forward to a clean sales record with Ebay and my feedback, please consider a second chance for me,thanks

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Sorry dude - I've driven enough track cars to know that any car with the roof compromised is gonna twist like a wet washcloth, especially an old Datsun.


Place a jack under one corner and lift it - See if the doors misalign (if they'll even open).


All we're saying is that you need to put that in your auction as well as pics of the modifications.


Otherwise, you're asking for a VERY pissed-off buyer, and ebay won't care about the "story" - That might be the end of your account.


Hell, I'm still considering the car - but not without detailed pics of the roof cuts (outside and in).

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Okay, it is nice to see pics of the cut top here on Ratsun, but I'm still not seeing any revision on the eBay listing to include information on the roof mod. In a way, this is none of my business. On the other hand, if I hadn't posted a question asking if this is the same car I'd seen in Spokane, and mentioned the roof just to identify the car, a Ratsun member might have bought it (and probably not been happy at all). I don't like seeing Ratsun guys getting screwed. I've been on eBay since 1998, and watched it decline over the years for a number of reasons. One of them is people "forgetting" to include information in the listing that common sense says a buyer would want to know about. I hate to use the F-word here, but Fraud is what I'm thinking. If someone buys this car on eBay, and is mad enough to take legal action, there is a chance they will find this thread (Datsuns is a pretty small world), proving spokansilvia knew about the roof being an issue. Odds are a serious Datsun collector will buy the car, and even if he isn't on Ratsun, someone will tell him about this thread. I wouldn't worry as much about getting kicked off eBay as going in front of a judge with an "I didn't know about the roof being a problem" defense, while the judge is reading printouts of this thread.


If it seems I'm being a bit harsh, we can always post a link to this up in "General Discussion", so a lot more Ratsun people can give opinions. I think there may be some entertaining comments.



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Didn't we just go over this with radio? Fucking grimy people ruin ebay for everyone else.....


Something that major should be listed, no bs excuse changes that. Esp looking at these new pics posted, that shits all kinds of hacked. It drastically changes the value like the mod or not.

Edited by 72240z
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oh,wow, Ive never seen it with the cover off,its not to bad!. That was the previous owner at that show.

I did not cut the top,it was like that when I got it.


The car is only 3500 bucks, what do you people want? Its not a barret Jackson auction here people, Where else can you a JDM car for 3500 bucks.

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The car is only 3500 bucks, what do you people want? Its not a barret Jackson auction here people, Where else can you a JDM car for 3500 bucks.


You may even be correct it is worth your price, even with the hatchet job on the roof. What we are trying to tell you, and you seem to be purposely ignoring, is the eBay buyer has the right to know about the roof, so he can decide for himself if it is worth it. You've been outed about the roof here on Ratsun, so we know about it. Not adding info about the roof to your eBay listing is lying by ommission. In a previous post you said "I look forward to a clean sales record with Ebay and my feedback, please consider a second chance for me,thanks ". Do you really think withholding information about a major modification to the car is the way to achive this? If there is some reason you can't edit your eBay listing, end it early, and relist the car with info about the roof. If you ask ggzilla nicely, he may let you use a couple of his pics in your listing. You have about 12 hours to decide whether to do the right thing, or not.



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