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need a datsun, any datsun!!

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you now i do not care i need a driver and had to have it done in two i was with out a car so with that i do not care what the hell you all are saying you now that not cool to say shit about other people stuff like that so to all that is say that your shit loook like shit to that truck is a auto trans and i need to sale it asap so call me or email me thak you


well when you work had on some thing and for your fist time painting i think i did a good job so if the man that would like to get it let me now i need it gone fast i hope sorry but i do not like the bashing of other peoples stuff thank you adam


all i am trying to do is sale my truck and i can not do that with all the dick heads talking mass shit about it i am sorry it was not the best paint job but still dose not mean to bash it at all. all i see is people that make fun of all other people stuff that what kid do i thoght we were men lol.



HOLY FUCK!!!! Am I seein' what you guys are seein???? NO PUNCTUATION!!!! http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q251/datzenmike/ROFL.gif[/img]"]ROFL.gif


halmracing, seriously, I'm not serious. Totally just kidding.


..... Some people have different ideas of what looks good. Or bad for that matter.

To each his own I guess.


This, is very true. Breakthroughs in artistic form are made by those willing to go somewhere different from the accepted norm.

Edited by datzenmike
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Goddamn. Sack up. It does look like you "went bat shit with spray bomb". when i fuck up I'd rather have someone bust my balls then spare my little feelings


I never said I wouldn't have a beer with the man. 1st pints on me


you can't paint part of your valve cover, hoses, radiator, and wires and not expect some ballbusting dude. if you think thats bashing lets have people say what they REALLY think


holy shit adam


next time you go bat shit with that spray bomb, tape some stuff up or remove it eh? :lol:


LMAO omg im cryin over here from laughin so hard.... :lol::lol::lol:



i dont mind the purple.. wish it was a tad darker.. the yellow + purple + over spray... not my style... well the over spray is lol.. i like the yellow too but again.. theres purple.. i think if you clean the engine bay up a tad an drive the truck around an stuff well thats all that matters.. nuttin wrong with keepin a datsun alive

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you can't paint part of your valve cover, hoses, radiator, and wires and not expect some ballbusting dude. if you think thats bashing lets have people say what they REALLY think


I get it now. The engine compartment was painted at the "Ray Charles School of Paint & Body". :lol::lol::lol: Lead instructor, Stevie Wonder.


Come halemracing you need to lighten up!:D I hope you sell that truck soon. Good luck! Hey - it is still a Datsun.;)

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I think the longer this thread rolls on the more we will all secretely want that truck.:D As a sort of novelty,ya know. A piece of history.. We can be dicks sometimes but that truck honestly does fit along with some of the fail posts I see around here. Please take no offense to this. We know you tried but would like to see you do better. So lighten up,take a step back and look really hard and think to yourself"is this worthy of sending out in the world with my name on it?"

edit...is that really a golf ball tee shimming out the bailing wire on the air cleaner????

Edited by datsunfish
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...is that really a golf ball tee shimming out the bailing wire on the air cleaner????


LOL :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


I didn't even see that the first 10 times I looked at that photo! That is too much! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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I have gotten my chops busted on this forum a few times and guess what...I still come back. Big deal, live and learn. I have fubar'd a lot of things in my life and now I use them as learning experiences.


(I have never been shitfaced and tried to paint my engine bay in the dark though)


Move on, drive yer truck, have fun with it.



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