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Ratsun twitterati

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i use it for sports/news mostly. got a tweet from cnn that michael jackson was dead 2 hrs before it was on the news. i'm a freakin dork. michael ian black and jim gaffigan crack me up all day. funny mofo's


and yes there has been multiple twitter threads and i resisted the temptation to reveal myself until now. so weak

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Twitter is a really easy way to stay in touch with your friends. I work at a different office every month or so. Most of my friends too, since we are all on twitter it's easy to see some of the daily chatter we used to have all working together. Not to mention the high larious shit Paul f tompkins and Doug benson post. Good times unless your a new trend-a-phobe.


My dad started using Twitter to follow NASA says it reminds him of

listening to launch info via ham radio. Any how. I'm Hackeyesup on Twitter

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A Phone is an easy way to stay in touch with friends. Twitter is an easy way to stay up peoples asses (notice I don't use the word friend).


wow man, did you like get raped via twitter? have you ever even used it? or are you just really anti twitter because its something people talk about a lot?

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Hey ggzilla, you can add hash tags to to your posts such as #ratsun and when you put it in your search every post with it comes up. A mobile forum of sorts.

Can't see why there are so many Twitter haters out there. You have way more control over the content than any of the social networks. The fact that it's mobile and simple makes it a great tool.

I use it for personal and my business (barcarlo for those interested).

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I'm anti twitter because its yet one more step in the evolution of everyone being up everyone's asshole instead of carrying out normal relationships. Everywhere you go its cell phones, pda's, smart phones, blue tooth, wifi, g3, g4, its a world of people talking to themselves on the train or walking around with their head down texting. It's on the news, it's online, it's in our faces 24 fucking 7 and I'm tired of it. It's pathetic, people need to grow up and remember what it was like to interact with other humans normally.

Edited by 72240z
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I'm anti twitter because its yet one more step in the evolution of everyone being up everyone's asshole instead of carrying out normal relationships. Everywhere you go its cell phones, pda's, smart phones, blue tooth, wifi, g3, g4, its a world of people talking to themselves on the train or walking around with their head down texting. It's on the news, it's online, it's in our faces 24 fucking 7 and I'm tired of it. It's pathetic, people need to grow up and remember what it was like to interact with other humans normally.



I don't think social networking is leading to a world of mindless drones roaming about automat style linked to a computer. I think behavioral adaptations to living in a society where parents have even less knowledge of what their children are up to is creating that. Accepting the CLEARLY successful businesses that have formed out of this need for a wider range of human/inhuman connection and learning from it would lead to a more positive future. Acceptance here is my point, the timely echoed "Different strokes for different folks" comes to mind.


Whereas creating a divide or wall of negativity only pushes people away, and you seem very keen on keeping people connected. Kinda hypocritical if you ask me. And you didn't, but Im still going to use a widely accepted form of public communication "the forum" to share my opinions on the matter.


I mean an internet forum is a really good example of social networking and how its used to bring people that may or may not have otherwise met, or learned from each other, together. Is this bad? I don't think so. I PERSONALLY see little use in hating something, I try to stay really open to the new. Im no authority on what will cause the evolution of humans into zombies. And I do not have a psychology degree, but I dont think twitter will herald in the antichrist..... thats just me out on a limb though. :)





here are some people getting hit in the nuts.

Edited by ichorid
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I'm so sick of this "social networking" bullshit. People obviously don't know that the term means. If you or me or anyone goes on a site to meet people whether for business or pleasure we are networking. If though your are there getting an update on every little thing everyone does while posting every little thing your doing you are pathetic. That is not social networking it is a cry for attention, or cheap self advertisement and THAT is twitter. Beyond that since when is something being a successful business tool or strategy any means for defense, rhyme or reason? There are people out there sucking every tit and cutting every corner they can get their hands on to make a buck, doesn't make it right. It in fact makes some sad, very sad.


There was nothing hypocritical about what I said. I condoned real world interaction and condemned the reliance on gadgets to form social relationships. Clearly two very different things. I feel you not being able to differentiate between the two maybe a result of your "tweeting" or w/e the fuck lol.


A forum is once again a completely different issue all together. It is a place where ideas, thoughts and information can be shared by those who would otherwise not be able to do so with one another. That is a completely legitimate use of the internet and venue. However walking around constantly thumb typing some bullshit into your smart phone so some other sad sorry individual can read it on your face book and respond about how cool you are is not. Nor is seeing commercials on the tv or hearing them on the radio about twitter this or that, advertising to advertise. The sheeple just sit back and eat it up with a spoon all the while talking shit about acceptance. You know what not everything should be accepted.


Different stroke for different folks is right, my stroke is to rag on people who obviously need bullshit sites like twitter lol. Because for w/e bullshit excuse people want to use they no longer know how to properly function without them.


I'm 25yo not 96 I grew up with the internet and see it as one of the greatest tools ever created. That doesn't mean however that there isn't a SERIOUS real world disconnect happening due to its rampant exploitation and over use. There is no need for so much of it just like there is no need to take in 5000 calories a day, people lately just have too much at their disposal for too little effort with too little appreciation and I can't wait for the world to tap itself out and force the change on all the gluttons of the senses.


I don't think social networking is leading to a world of mindless drones roaming about automat style linked to a computer. I think behavioral adaptations to living in a society where parents have even less knowledge of what their children are up to is creating that. Accepting the CLEARLY successful businesses that have formed out of this need for a wider range of human/inhuman connection and learning from it would lead to a more positive future. Acceptance here is my point, the timely echoed "Different strokes for different folks" comes to mind.


Whereas creating a divide or wall of negativity only pushes people away, and you seem very keen on keeping people connected. Kinda hypocritical if you ask me. And you didn't, but Im still going to use a widely accepted form of public communication "the forum" to share my opinions on the matter.


I mean an internet forum is a really good example of social networking and how its used to bring people that may or may not have otherwise met, or learned from each other, together. Is this bad? I don't think so. I PERSONALLY see little use in hating something, I try to stay really open to the new. Im no authority on what will cause the evolution of humans into zombies. And I do not have a psychology degree, but I dont think twitter will herald in the antichrist..... thats just me out on a limb though. :)





here are some people getting hit in the nuts.

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I don't detest people and I never said I did. Thats the 2nd time you put words in my mouth. I take the time to think out my responses what I mean is what I posted.


People in general are just naturally followers and gluttons, it's not their fault. It's the multimillion dollar corporations irresponsibly shoving all this bullshit in people's minds and down their throats from the womb to death so they can make more money that are to blame. I detest the mediums and poisons they put out, not the poor schmucks addicted to them.

Edited by 72240z
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If though your are there getting an update on every little thing everyone does while posting every little thing your doing you are pathetic.


The sheeple just sit back and eat it up with a spoon all the while talking shit about acceptance. You know what not everything should be accepted.


my stroke is to rag on people who obviously need bullshit sites like twitter lol.



Im going for the internet argument gold medal here, with a definition.


detest - To dislike intensely.



seems like you detest em man.. didnt have to put that word in your mouth. unless Im heavily reading into what appears to be negativity. Who knows maybe twitter is skynet, maybe you're like john connor, and you're trying to stop Judgement day. These are all things I dont know, I dont know you and have no right to pass judgement. Ill redact the words I put in your mouth.

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