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Everything posted by dat521gatherer

  1. I would love a 620 auto as the 521 wasn't offered with auto. They are getting harder to find seeing that most people swap the auto out for the standard.
  2. I usually have mine bead blasted. I'm wondering how long a powder coating would last on a set.
  3. There is a set on the bay right now. http://www.ebay.com/itm/221066098258?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1426.l2649
  4. I love these pics. :w00t: Please post more if you can.
  5. This thread freezes my computer=[
  6. Hell ya!! Now if you ever see a 521 clock.....
  7. Up in smoke, ratsun style. Thats crazy. As soon as I have some cash I want to buy the Ratsun billet one.
  8. Not at the moment but if you want I'm pretty sure ebay member bangkok_9669 on ebay sells them. Try messaging him through ebay. He has the fuel door lock currently listed. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-521-Fuel-door-lock-cylinder-and-keys-New-Old-Stock-Made-in-Japan-/270999408193?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3f18d2ce41&vxp=mtr
  9. Yes. I was wondering if I was ever get to see a real pre 50's datsun ever pop up.
  10. I just got a ebay message from reddat saying he no longer has the non braided one. I did notice last year there was a big jump in price on nisssanpartscc when they were available. You may want to post in the wanted section. Many members have extra's.
  11. Yeah that guy is really expensive for the original braided hose. The more recent ones are non braided and are cheaper. I got my last few from nissanpartscc. There is a guy on ebay that sells them for cheaper but I dont see them listed at the moment.
  12. The damage has already been done. See page one. This just makes it look nicer. I will either swap my red 521 bed onto it or find another bed. The side panel seam rust is very bad.
  13. Found a dirty mat at the junk yard and cleaned it up.
  14. I just had it glass bead blasted with the other parts in the first page at the machine shop.
  15. I tried to order all new smog hoses after finding almost all the ends cracked. Nissan only had one out of four available so I just went ahead and desmogged it. This is the first time out of four I wasn't able to get the pipes out of the exhaust manifold so I ended up taking off the manifolds. I had another exhaust manifold and had the machine shop resurface both ends. I bought all new gaskets from nissan. Then I ordered all new hardware and it took over a month and a phone call to find out what was going on so I just used some old hardware I had. I also bought a new or rebuilt hitachi 328 carb. Also put in a new choke firewall grommet. Some new hood bumpers too. These ones from ebay are softer than I would like.
  16. 12-1-72 dealer removed bumperettes and installed a hd bumper. :confused: I've bid on the last 3 sets on ebay and lost.
  17. I have the dealer receipt from when it was put on in the early 70's I would like to look in to finding some new ones or having some vinyl ones made for when I have the bed painted. I know there are some ratsun vinyl makers on here. Receipt dates 8-16-71 with 648 miles $1.75 a set. Says cole screenprint inc Tacoma,wa
  18. Thats awesome. Nice rear bumperettes also.
  19. Thank you for the rear slider. :thumbup:
  20. Super clean. I love it.
  21. When I saw your post in the potd thread saying you'd go if you still had your car I was like awww shit he's going to sell it. Did you get that message about the 200sx at pick n pull? Awesome car btw. I wish I could buy it. Good luck.
  22. Damn thats sweet. Do you ever see other wagons in Thailand like yours?
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