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Everything posted by dat521gatherer

  1. Sweet. 2 splines if I heard correctly. Now I can delete my 10 bookmarks on how to do this.
  2. Welcome. Very nice. Any plans before the wife makes you sell it?
  3. I'll probably scrap it. Can't really sell it like this.
  4. It was the cleanest rust free bed I had.
  5. So I'm going to play musical beds. Green one now goes on the red 521 and black bed now goes on the green 521. that should be fun.
  6. Spun out and crunched my bed on the red 521.

    1. EastBay521


      ive been lucky not to hit anything when I get stupid..... so far.

    2. bananahamuck


      Let us witness the damage my son.

  7. Spun out and hit the wall on the on ramp. Sucks.
  8. dat521gatherer

    521 parts

    The boots on ebay have the wrong shift shaft diameter hole on the top. Too bid around get the one from nissan.
  9. Son your going to drive me to drinking!!
  10. If it's been sitting that long it's probably a low milage car. Easy fix. Looks like the neighbors built a new fence so they don't have to look at it. I've seen waaay worse.
  11. It's been off the road for a year and a half. Somebody yell at me. I plan on putting the front of the engine back together after the 210 is running wich should be soon. I took the car cover off and put it on the toyota and this is how she looks. Owned for 18.5 years and neglected for 1.5. No I'm not selling it.
  12. I still have a bunch of smalls to paint. I have to try real hard not to be a perfectionist or I wont get anything done. So in a rush I now have over spray in a few places. Ugh.
  13. I decided to have the original a15 rebuilt instead of using the a14 I bought.
  14. Oh lord. Hurry up and put it back together already. Sheesh. I cleaned and painted the grill and headlight assemblies.
  15. FYI If there is a napa around you their fuel filters are clear instead of the white ones so you can see the particles and fuel level in it.
  16. I saw this car at the Carls jr meet. Great car.
  17. The Evil That Men Do Lives On And On.

    1. bananahamuck


      Yet Mr. Rogers is dead.

    2. MicroMachinery


      ... in our hearts.

  18. No fuel leaks. No exhaust leaks. I think this is just from the tire throwing mud on the underside in the alley. Not a easy fix.
  19. When one door closes another door opens. No no. When one thing gets done two more appear!
  20. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!! Holes in the trunk. Ugh!!
  21. I got you. Send me address in a pm and I'll send out the oval clamp for free.
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