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Everything posted by dat521gatherer

  1. Nothing like a ride in my 521 to get my kidney stone moving.

  2. Welcome and very nice car.
  3. It may have been. There was a lot of it on the grass but it didn't look like it had a curve to it. There is scratch marks all over the clear coat on the hood.
  4. This one is a 1980 so no quattro. It has the inline 5 but is slow as dirt.
  5. The part that really makes me mad is that I heard something last night and stared out the back yard window for 5 minutes thinking someone was trying to steal something. My dumb ass should have looked out front. At least I could have detained them or got a description of the car or something. Today I asked neighbors and I get nothing.
  6. I hated the color at first but in a few weeks it grew on me. Copper metallic special order. As second owner I have all the good paperwork.
  7. This is my favorite of the bunch. Don't tell anyone. I had one of these 19 years ago and my wife was driving to work and someone hit her in the front end. i lost it to the towing company. I've been looking for one ever since.
  8. A before shot. Yeah body and interior parts are impossible to find even on ebay and the forums don't support these old things. The hood gap on the passenger side has widened. I will go to the body shop tomorrow and see what bs they tell me.
  9. Pushed it back about 5 feet or so. It came out with minor damage but I was holding my breath as I rounded the driver side. Ok maybe not minor considering this is the only car I have that was straight or never wrecked. The grill is pushed in a little ways and the hood latch is out of wack.
  10. I'm looking out the window today thinking I know I didn't park crooked. Later my wife is looking out the window telling me there is green shit all over my hood. I look and i realize it's glass. FUCK.
  11. The adjustment was screwed all the way in and didn't want to come out. Looks like some thread locker or elmers glue on the threads I screwed it out a lot then started screwing it back in 3 times. It still shifts early. . All 3 gears shift but 2nd is shaky. Now I have too much fluid in it and cant find my little pump sucker thingy. I'm calling it a night.
  12. Transmission fluid did come out of the vacuum line when I took it off.
  13. I don't have a vacuum tester but I did blow and suck on the old one with no apparent leaks.
  14. Now it doesn't shift out of first while in D. If I put in in 2nd it will go in. What is the adjustable part of this modulator do? Screw the outer nipple one way for harder or sooner shifts ect?
  15. Ok I matched the old one to the smaller 1 1/4 I hope this works.
  16. any idea what the difference is between a 1 1/4 and a 1 1/2 modulator? No colored stripes on either. Both are screw in and adjustable for the same aplication..
  17. Awesome. Before I found this I was trying to wrap my brain around how the converter could be throwing fluid past the rear main seal. It was blowing smoke before I drained the pan of it's multi gallon contents. I accused my daughter of putting oil in or letting her friends put oil in the car when the oil level was over an inch above the full line. Crap now I have to apologize to her. I was about to have the tranny shop do the front seal on the trans. I'll get a new modulator on and report back in a few days.
  18. I'm thinking this is impossible but.... 75 B210 A14 Auto. The tranny has been leaking or loosing fluid with no huge puddles only a minor drip from the weep hole. So I check the oil the other day and there was like 3 gallons of fluid in it. There was so much in it the pistons must have been floating. I drained and refilled under to the full line and I just checked it and it was over the fill line. I only found one possibility online, does this sound possible? From trust my mechanic.com THE PROBLEM IS VERY SIMPLE ----yOUR TRANS HAS A VACUMME MODULATOR ON IT --ONE OF THE FEW THAT STILL DOES--- ANYWAY THE MODULATOR IS BAD AND THE FLUID IS BEING SUCKED UP OUT OF THE TRANS AND INTO YOUR CYLINDER CLOSEST TO THE VACUMME--THIS WILL WASH OUT THE RINGS LETTING THE FLUID DRAIN INTO THE OIL PAN ---AND ALSO WILL CAUSE YOUR VAN TO SMOKE AS WELL AS MAKE THE TRANS STOP PULLING WHEN IT GETS LOW.
  19. Lately it's angry birds. That shit is just like my 8 bit atari games. I'm addicted.
  20. What kind of bird doesn't fly? Jailbird.
  21. Thanks for posting those pics they are awesome. I'll make more time to hang out next meet.
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