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Everything posted by motavated

  1. I bought one 2 years ago from autozone. They must make them. Try rockauto. See they have them!
  2. My bro is but at 9k its to much for him. Maybe 7k?
  3. YEp! But I might be looking for a different switch. Buying two in case one breaks in the future.
  4. Got some time today and this is what I did. Did some work on the center counsel. It still needs work. The Volt meter is not set right and the switch will be located in the center of the temp & volt meter. Also got my front valance.
  5. Shudup! I need some sleep...:sleep:
  6. I dont know. Last year I told the swdp I will go to the meet with my truck and I missed it. I also registered for Jccs last year and I missed it. This year I missed the SWDP again... Will I miss Jccs again? Probably will....
  7. The 620 has a special adapter that they make. It is usually displayed at the back of the Grant steering wheel box the part # that you need. Autozone also has some adapters on stock. They also display the part numbers for other cars in the back of there Grant products.
  8. You see the bend in the middle of the bar? Well that is supposed to go around the diff when there is movement. But if i flip it over. it will hit the drive shaft and have no play at all. At the moment I will leave the sway bar until last. I could get other stuff done that I know fits and not get so stressed out. Thanks!!! I will start ranting at this page again when I talk to addco tomorrow and or star working at it again. Thanks! :)
  9. WOW man Wtf! Nice job! Your are great to me like Bob, Mike, Bee, Fineline, Ice, and Hainz.
  10. sorry I cant find that style any were. Bonvo its on. :cool:
  11. The old black one or the new wood one? Both are Grant. I paid like 40$ bucks for the black one new. The wooden one was 50$ at the yard but its sooooo clean. I don't know which model it is. I looked online and I could not find this specific style. It looks like this: model 770, but its to expensive.
  12. Sorry man. Pop pop wants the wheel. He wants to finally sound his horn on his Mustang while flipping people off. free time today and did this. Before: After: The odo marker was no good neither was the temp marker. Replaced those the cluster and the wheel. Props to Ben for some parts.
  13. WTF!!! I want them but some one placed a high bid. 28 + shipping is to much for me. Who is bidding? Steroid? How much is the bid!!!
  14. Got this in the yard today. YAY! We got to race Bonvo!!!!!
  15. I do memeber that. That is why I find this weird. Maybe he needs the money to go to Alaska and buy all those NOS parts and resale them. Really why does a man need so much parts? Well unless he is in the selling Datsun parts business.
  16. I never but a flange. My dumb ass always welded it and it cost me alot in repairs.
  17. I thought you had good prices man. What a let down... Need money to make money I guess.
  18. What type of kit is that? I worked all day today so I couldn't call. Will call Monday. I like your idea man... If i cant get a refund I will try what they did on that car. A ford right? I was looking into 1966 mustang rear sway bars too.
  19. That is the same fucken place I got mines from!!!! WTF? So did you get it? I am calling tomorrow that is for sure!!!
  20. Let me finish it up and leave that at the end. Then we came come together and do it right. Two brains are better than one right? I swear....

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