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Everything posted by motavated

  1. I'll try man but let me give you a better picture on what will happen if I flip it.
  2. I got to try that tomorrow man. I will also call in the place were I got it. Lets see what they got to say. Wait... I did try it at the bottom and there is no room. It hits the leaf springs. I swear i am in a position right now were I just want to get a flamethrower and burn this truck down...
  3. California Gardena Datsun's. There are more but at night, its hard to take pics. There is also another roadster I could not pic, a 521, a 810 4 door, and some 510 wagons a couple of 620's and a 1970 200sx.
  4. I tried that but it hits the diff badly with no movement at all you know? like this it looks like it has like 5 inches of movement before it hits the diff or the frame. This kit sucks.. What a waste of money... If I get it right, I still wont recommend it to nobody. Such a headache. Want to try it on your 521 Ben?
  5. Hey Ben! Camping you say? Do you hunt???? Well here is were I am at right now. Dont know what the fuck you know. Pretty depressed since I keep hitting so much roadblocks and money is being wasted like a crack addict. Shit! Here is some pics... I made lots of mods and I think it wont fit.... Any more help guys? Here is how I started. Then I removed the spare and the shocks for more room and move the brakets more to the end. Horrible pics but will have more tomorrow with hopefully more light... What a hassle!
  6. Probably dont matter anymore but here are some pics of the well lit parking lot. So do I have a chance? I also noticed that this place is good for a car meet place no? Lots of light and food!
  7. That looks real clean I tell you what. Soooo.... L20b with 5 speed right? NICE!
  8. http://forum.ratsun.net/showthread.php?t=13435&highlight=620+leaf
  9. I said from what I heard. Jeez! Sorry man... Arn't you a Z driver? :lol: When I said "the elite and the best" part was for anyone on any car. I should of separated them to reduce confusion. SOrry...
  10. Yes he was a popo, not a sheriff. Sheriffs have let me off a bunch of times when I really deserved a ticket!!! For racing, burning out, running red lights and even almost getting shot up by them. Only cops have been acting like dicks. Really I would of not argue if the sheriff gave me a ticket for doing all the stupid shit I did. I deserve it! But not for this shit.
  11. The Dennys was at a lit pretty good and across the street there is a Toyota dealer with all its lights blazing. I will take some pics so you can see. The cop was smart. I told that fucker no on the search. He then asked for my registration. I said its in the car some were. That gave him permission to search the whole fucken car for it and throwing my shit every were. My bro admitted that I had the lights turned off that fucker... O well... I stepped out of the car before the pulled me over. They thought I was gonna run or some shit and that freaked him out. What were they going to do? Nothing! If I was fleeing on my car or on foot or some shit. He would of put in on the ticket or took my ass to the hole. That cop was a noob and he just had a hard time trying to get behind me so he can pull me over. I triked him 3 times.. That was golden. I really don't think I would of been let of with a warning this time. His BOSS was there and so were 3 other guys with 3 stripes. They were testing him out and I guess he passed since they congratulated him and they chit chatted for a while. Why would a cop who's supper right next to him let me go? He had to give me a ticket. I don't trust the popo.
  12. Your right. But seeing that guy being such a jerk with his Honda makes us think bad about other Honda owners. We have stereotyped all honda user to be such jerks. See most Z drivers from what I have heard behave this way also. THE ELITE! They think they are. THE BEST! is their car on the street and track. But really that could be anyone in any community in any car. I think we frown on that in this forum. I like Ratsun.
  13. Good Idea man. I will do something like that too.
  14. Your right. But he was going to fuck with me no matter what. I'm taking it to court and let the judge decide. I went back to Denny's and got the receipt proving that I was just eating and kicking it there. For a split second of having my lights turned off, I was not harming no one. When outside, its was so bright it could of been daylight, simple mistake. When he pulled me over I had my lights on and I was pulled over across the street from Denny's. I didn't even go a block with my lights off... Do you know having your lights off is a point on your record? I ain't having non of that shit... You could tell he was a noob the one who gave me a ticket. The passenger was wearing two stripes on his shoulder and giving him advice and stuff. Then more cops showed up with 3 stripes congratulating him for such a nice job. After i got the ticket they started kicking it there. They were teaching him and he got me for something stupid... NOOB! Ohh Btw HRH. You are right. They suspected us of being drunks or possible suspects in a robbery. BUt! they had nothing on me.
  15. I just pulled out of a Dennis with my lights off unto a residential street to go into a main street. My bro told me to turn on my lights when the cops passing by saw my truck. They went ahead, busted a u and stopped. They were waiting for me to pull ahead so they can pull me over. I knew what was going to happen so I decided to fuck with them. Instead of turning right onto the main street, I crossed it. They decided to follow, but I then pulled in into another parking with out them seeing. Once they saw I was in the parking lot, they missed the entrance. They needing to bust another u to get in. Once they busted the U I got out of the parking lot and went onto the street and pulled up face to face with the cop car. The cop car stopped and opened the doors. I then drove the car ahead leaving them again. This time they busted another U and then they turned on the lights and told me to pull over.... After wasting my time searching my car after I told them not to. They asked for registration. I told them I had secret POT, I mean compartments in the car. Maybe its there... "POT?" he said. "Were? ""Uhhhh.... Nothing." I told them... They kept looking for 30 more minutes. After an hour wasted. They gave me a ticket for not having registration and the lights turned off... I swear cops have nothing better to do than fuck with people. I would of probably not have this ticket if I played it cool. But I think it was worth it getting them all mad and shit.
  16. motavated

    Wagon Lean

    Ohhh! That makes sense. Cool thanks!!!! :D
  17. motavated

    Wagon Lean

    The rear mazdat. The rear on a 620 is leaf spring... I cant do anything there but just have a sad disappointing face every time I look at her from behind. Air bags can take care of that though...
  18. I found these two here 17800 S Vermont Ave Gardena, CA 90248 (310) 327-0400 A Toyota Corona. A 620 and some z that are not pictured...
  19. motavated

    Wagon Lean

    My truck leans also. I fucken hate it. I took out a measuring tape and measured and I came to a conclusion that maybe the bushings are shoot. Changed them and that was not the answer. I don't know what it is. But if you think about it... When my fat ass is in and drives it. It will even out. HE! :D
  20. Thanks Bonvo. You know what Bonvo. I like your slotted mags, nice and deep. I have some weak slotted mags "14x6" that came with the truck that now do not work since the disk brake swap. I too have a 1965 Mustang but its a 5 lug. If your slotted mags were either a 6 or a 5 lug. I would be alll over them. Great wheels!!! My father had a set and he gave them away... we still have one left... I rebuilt this one.
  21. Look man if you have money, stop posting for advertisement so you can fund your new project. The Vtec swap has been done on Datsun and other cars like ae86. http://forum.ratsun.net/showthread.php?t=6010&highlight=honda+510 Local ae86 with Honda swap Ratsun is a great place for info on mostly Datsuns but not great for selling non Dato cars. Do you know why most people own Dattos? Its because Datto cars are cheap to maintain, fix and they are fun... If I had money I would do a 20b swap on my truck... No money though... Can I have some?
  22. Thanks man. Did you see them when I first got them? My bro was like WTF did you just buy? You stupid ass!!! I told him. You could fix these man!!!! Wtf? He said. Buying garbage like always. I was just about to buy some 600$ Rotas or some 700$ konigs when I found these baby's. Here is how they used to look. I found these on the net and they look like 15x10's On my mom I was going to give him 1k!!! But that fool was just being lazy and probably sold them locally in Alaska. These wheels with some flares and my truck would really kick ass!!!
  23. This ain't fucken craigslist... I was thinking that maybe people were just misunderstanding you... NO! THIS SHIT HAS TO END!!! BANNN PLEASE!!!! :mad:
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