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Everything posted by motavated

  1. I need a hammer to break off that retarded door buzzer....
  2. Thanks! Sorry. I just started it up and was checking all the shit. The oil light was semi on. That is when I turned off the camera and added more oil to be safe... :)
  3. But from all those listed. Which one has a 6 cylinder turbo? But you do have a point... I dont think this L series makes 300hp? Does it make 300 hp, or possibly more?!?!?! Edit. Possible 500HP! WOWOWOWOWOWO! That is bad ass...
  4. WOW! Turbo 6 cylinder getting 30 mpg? Not even new turbo cars make 30 mpg. The Ford SHO makes 22 and the GTR makes like 21? ME WANT!!!!
  5. Its like them b210 wagons... I think...
  6. 40$ on just welding. Plus a had to buy a dremil bit to sand it out. like 5 seals cus the welds kept f'n them up. and junk yard parts and fee's. 40+5+25+9=79$ :(
  7. I wasted around 80$ trying to get this right. Here are the pics. It hold the gasket pretty good. I also cleaned the tail to see if I catch any leaks. I still hope to replace it. Took the trans apart a couple of times. I was scared shitless at first. But they are pretty easy to work with. I also cut the rad support so I can easily work on the engine on future. Will be taking the engine out again after the break in and a few miles... I got the tabs and bolts ready to be bolted on and welded... That is it. See you at the BBQ!
  8. FFFFFF! Took me a while to find this old thread. Look what I found! Noo, I didn't take it. But its a crazy shot of a gay truck... By this guy.. http://swanee3.deviantart.com/
  9. Imagine rolling up with that plate?! HA HA HA! I wonder if it comes with the car? Well if its cheap and your wife wont kill yah. I know I cant. My parents would kick me out! I would for 600 if your wife allows.
  10. That yota needs a little bit of a "magic" touch! To much work for me... Plus then you would have 3 unfinished cars? I would like to own one. But damn... I feel bad neglecting other projects...
  11. Are those carb spacers? Man your skills are awesome!
  12. OHH? still an awsome idea non the less. My support in not 100% anyway. Might as well.... Father said he knows someone who might be able to weld it up and fix it. Let see what they guy can do.
  13. I will try the dealer and see if they carry it. I doubt it. The circle is out of wack. and the cracks eats the seal up when installing... I will send it in to the welder and see what he can do..
  14. I just tried it and the circle is out of wack. Not only that. But from where its cracked. It chews the gasket up when installing. I took it apart and see if my welder can do anything. I dont think he is that good enough for this job...
  15. If I have no other choose man, I guess I will have to. Thanks for your advice and knowledge.
  16. Ohh its cracked big time. I placed it back together so a welder can weld it up and smooth it out.
  17. I will take it apart and see if a welder can weld it and smooth it out. and make it round again. I am in need of a broken 5 speed. The reason I dont want to goop it with sealant is that I dont want to take out the engine again once I find the replacement part... I would wait for the right part. But it will suck that I will miss the SWPD meet. Fuck... I have been having a hard time trying to mate the transmission to the engine. so we decided to take it out and mount it out side. Not a good idea...
  18. damn..... what about z series 5 speeds? just the front is different right?
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