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Everything posted by motavated

  1. FOUND THE COMPLETE VIDEO! http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTU5OTU1ODE2.html
  2. some dude even painted some of his 620 suspension parts in a wood thing color shit... It looked nice!
  3. Are thos American made wheels or japanese. THEY LOOK JAP!
  4. Maybe a combination off all mentioned?
  5. There is a better quality out there with a roadster as well. Same ep and show... Let me find it...
  6. Oh yeah... So in the end your going to convert to auto right? If that 5 speed any good? Are you willing to sell?
  7. Might be getting a VG30e soon. JOCKING YOUR IDEAS BIG TIME YELLO!!! How about you build me one of them sway bars no? :P
  8. motavated

    L20ET into 620?

    Enough chit chat. Put up or shut up. DO IT!
  9. So its this Saturday righhhhhht? I might be going...
  10. Bump. This is a 20 thousand mile motor from japan.
  11. That is not true. i had a fucked 240sx in cali and I had no paperwork. i got paid 75 dollars and they took it like that.
  12. That low life poor fuck aint going to pay shit. Sad but true. Look everything you want! He will be out soon doing the same shit...
  13. That is fucked up man I am glad they have cameras on all there shit now. captures them sick fuckers!
  14. What I find funny is that they were selling for less. You decided to buy them all up and sell them for more. That is kind of fucked up...
  15. Get a locknut and leave it sorta loose. I had that problem. Not anymore!
  16. Where did you get that regulator. I need the driver side!!!!
  17. Fuck man. Your a cool guy. I know you would do anything to get the parts you need. I hope the best of luck! If he is doing people dirty. I hope he gets what is coming.
  18. I said it before. I want to get them once they hit they junkyards...
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