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Everything posted by Zeusimo

  1. #&*% My Flight To Japan Got Postponed A Month! :'(

  2. Look What I Just Got In The Mail :cool:
  3. Truck Runs Like A BEAST!

  4. 620 In Modesto That Has Original Radio
  5. New Fuel Pump, Rock Auto Had It On Sale For $20.00 :cool: Still Working On Driver's Side Lights
  6. Scored At The Junkyard $32.00 :cool:
  7. Found One Guys Sorry :cool: LOCK THIS THREAD! :lol:
  8. I Thought His Name Was Datzenmike :blink:
  9. To Catch Them All Of Course :lol:
  10. I Believe GameStop Is Giving Away Free Celebis Right Know.. :huh:
  11. Mijumaru Is My Favorite From The New Series :cool:
  12. United Wants To Cancel My Flight To Japan...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. erichwaslike


      um is ur school still there... in the same location it was, not 6 miles away upside down?

    3. Zeusimo


      Arashiyama Was Unnafected

    4. metalmonkey47


      That really sucks man. i hope you can make it over okay.

  13. I Didn't Buy The Game, My DS Is Broken The Only One I Play Right Now Is... YELLOW :frantics:
  14. I Would Buy A Cheap POS 620 And Build It From There Using A 720 4X4 Chassis :cool:
  15. ME!!! ME!! ME! OMG!! :rofl: I Didn't Buy It Though, I'm More Into Best Wishes Rather Than The Video Game... :P
  16. http://www.racetep.com/weberadj.html The One I Used... Simple :cool:
  17. More Like Duck And Hide Before They Seen You Driving That POS :P
  18. Truck Is From Sonora... No Idea Where It Got Modesto Frame From :D
  19. Mine Says Modesto Datsun Service Will Post OICS Tomorrow :cool:
  20. Yay! Ratsun's Back :'D

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