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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I added it to events calendar if anyone gives a crap. And ,,, how broken is that stupid thing?? Am i right?? .
  2. Maybe he is inviting all of us over to a keg draining, peeing in the sink type, viewing party?? . .
  3. Yep that's the one.., The guy i traded the egg off to,,, called Scrotum ( since he has been all up in everyone's jock about a 1200 for awhile) and said "you better jump on this if you want one".. and he called about it .. He says it was on trailer and paided for when the guy selling it was getting crazy bidding war prices texted over phone. It was in a garage since 1997 and i don't know story but ended up at junkyard and they didn't want to just part and crush .. Car is FULL of parts and is a manual trans,, paint job is pretty horrible but it has almost no rust underneath at all.. OG paint is on most parts under there. I'm pretty sure that cheap bastard payed WAY less than the $900. asking price.. like waaay less. :rofl: I'm sure you met Scrotum at Canby,, it's this character,, and Fucking Ted doing the ballerina dance in background at the Petersen auto museum. When we three drove down to California to the Eaglerock show and swap.
  4. Not sure why i only got rear pics ,, but now it's raining like a typhoon out there so it's all you are gonna get. .
  5. Well i thought i had gotten rid of all 1200 stuff around here and i wake up this morning and it's like the god damn Thing. There is another one sitting out there.. Apparently the fucking cars multiply like hobgoblins or some shit. Parked it up against the Big red in hopes it might morph that into a bunch of something that is not so cheap people are dumping them all over town. :rofl: .
  6. edekalil is probably old enough to have met a few San Francisco hippys in his time. .
  7. While we're on the subject // For whom it may concern,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I stole your Defenders of the Faith shirt and i wore it out,,, so fuck you Joey.
  8. Haha yeah it looks like it got drug up and down a gravel road by a truck with no mud flaps.. A guy asked me if i could circle,, and take a picture of all the chips in windshield ,,, and it ended up looking like the god damn Studebaker in the muppet movie... :rofl: :rofl: ,
  9. Will we be seeing tater melons cars on track ,, or don't they have parade lap for spectators vehicles?? . . .
  10. I will probably just procrastinate till a night before,, like usual. :lol:
  11. "Our story begins with a sound effect of a human urinating[3], followed by an interlude in which an unknown male is speaking, denouncing one of his associates for either committing mater-sodomy in the immediate vicinity or for having bad breath, it remains unclear which. The unknown male requests some bubblegum, presumably to remedy the situation. We are then introduced to the narrator, Snoop Dogg, as he discusses the exigencies of his life; his hometown of Long Beach, California, is very dramatic. He finds the will to create his unique musical style amidst all this drama, and does so daily. He then entreats the listener (affectionately called a “g”) to enjoy his tale in said musical style. Mr. Dogg's tale starts at 2 am in his home, where a party has been taking place and is continuing late into the night, because his mother is away. Women are copulating in his living room, presumably in a lesbian fashion, and intend to do so until 6 am, when they will leave. Mr. Dogg and his associates decide to join the sapphic women. Ever-prepared, they pull condoms out of their pockets before turning off the lights and shutting the doors behind them. After making it clear that his regard for the females does not involve love, Snoop Dogg and his associates decide that the use of one ounce of marijuana would be a fitting tribute to the act and his regard of the situation and the women. Rather than go into details of what is taking place behind closed doors, he tells the listeners (affectionately called “motherfuckas”) to reminisce of revelry in general, preferably while bouncing. The said revelry consists of the chorus line and the subject of the song title: cruising down the street, smoking marijuana, and sipping on gin and an unnamed juice. The unnamed juice is likely of citrus origin, though the properties of gin are agreeable to all fruit juices. It is possible that the previous scene, and the upcoming scenes, are projected memories of the narrators told in the present tense. Mr. Dogg then attempts a chiasmus about his constant preoccupation with pecuniary matters. In another memory, Snoop Dogg has procured a bottle of Seagrams brand gin, and is intent on consuming it himself, but his associates have worked up a thirst as well. They present their empty cups for Mr. Dogg to fill, but have not offered any payment for the alcohol. Mr. Dogg is angry at the prospect of sharing his alcoholic beverage without consideration, as these requests happen all too often. He acknowledges their requests, but reminds them that his needs come first. Mr. Dogg quickly diffuses the situation by reminding the listener that he is very good at cultivating music that captivates his listeners. He wants to know, “Who listens to the words that I speak?” This is most likely a rhetorical question. We do not learn if he ever does share the Seagrams. Mr. Dogg leaves the party with his beverage to the middle of the street, presumably because his house party has grown beyond the bounds of his yard. He meets a young lady named Sadie who had previously dated one of his associates. He flirts with the young lady, but does not expect physical contact because the weather has remained a sultry 80 degrees Fahrenheit. As she initiates physical contact with his testicles, the heat becomes too much. Snoop tells Sadie to get off of his scrotum and informs her she will not get further contact with that part of him. He says “at ease”, likely to calm down Sadie, but also in an attempt to relax all involved. Mr. Dogg then runs off to engage in an act of mobbing with his associates (affectionately called the “Dogg Pound”) in order to cool off and feel a breeze. He urges all to do the same. We return to the chorus narration, where Snoop Dogg continues to consume marijuana and gin and juice while cruising in a vehicle. He is still concerned about his financial situation, stated in an identical chiastic manner. The narrator then recalls a memory that happened later in the same day[4], presumably at the house party. His friend, Dr. Dre[5], pays Mr. Dogg a visit, presenting him with several bottles of Tanqueray brand gin and a very well-endowed joint of marijuana. The marijuana is of a strength colloquially described as lethal, as he cleverly alludes to through a reference to the bubonic plague[6]. The combination of drugs proves too intoxicating for Mr. Dogg, and he is forced to imbibe less vivaciously, but he refuses to stop altogether. Dr. Dre then introduces Mr. Dogg to some women who he has brought from a neighboring city in Los Angeles. Snoop Dogg makes his intents to bed (or cot) the women clear, but warns them beforehand that he does not intend to make them climax nor stay with them after copulation has occurred, because he does not love them. Women whom he does not love he refers to as “hoes”, the origin of which is unclear, but is in no way related to the garden tool. The song ends with a repetition of the chorus one more time, where some spontaneous words are uttered after the title verse (a slang word phonetically spelled BEE-OTCH). Mr Dogg's mental preoccupation with money matters is restated multiple times." .
  12. I know for a fact someone posted a perfect match for that plug and i looked and looked and cannot find the thread. It must have been just a mentioned thing in a build thread. .
  13. Winter wheels.. cuz they do alot of garage sitting now that the state in the infinite wisdom has decided to use salt brine in freezing weather. And as you probably have heard once,,, it rains a shit ton here , ( the travel brochures aint bullshitting about that) ,, soooo need wheels that don't need either cleaning or that go low on air in garage if left for weeks at a time. haven't decided if going to just buy some 185/60/13s or use some other enkei 92s 14" wheels with low profiles on them the boy has stashed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, were i can get at them.. :lol: . .
  14. Does anyone remember the discussion a few months ago about dealer installed luggage racks ?? i can't seem to either phrase the question right, or i'm using wrong terminology for my brother Google, but i just can't find it. .
  15. I think i watched that exact movie clip on pornhub earlier. .
  16. Honestly i just assumed you people did have one black lung and one white one. to soon? . .
  17. You haven't priced rust free factory 4speed V8 60s Fords lately i reckon. Shit man,,, It's worth more than all the Datsun junk in my yard and garages combined right now. :lol: Like said though, i'm getting free storage, as long as he stays alive, so i guess that isn't the worst problem a guy could have. . What i'm doing now is helping my nephew's wife sell her late fathers junk so i got one of these for sailing on the book of faces to bring in the big bucks to keep the dream alive Honda-derp .. .
  18. Aunt Flo seemed lonely so i traded for her to have a friend . 67 SSS stroked to 2000 ,, 720 short 5speed, infiniti G20 brakes and carbs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lots of carbs. On it's "maiden" voyage, ( first and last day it hasn't rained in months) we went to Fuji Teriyaki ,, if this was Yelp i would give 5 stars,,, man that crap is good. Funny thing,,, i recently cleaned out garage and have been selling off bunch-o-shit to fit a 64 factory V8 4speed ranchero we bought a few years ago,,,, and is still in old guys barn as he won't let us take it home till we have a garage space for it.. Now this thing is parked in it's spot... So noooow i will have to build another shed to put ranchero in, as this now resides in it's newly acquired spot.. 2 steps forward 1 step back........... NOPE It's 2 steps forward and ,,,,,,,,, pay money out. .
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