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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. i have about half of one ,, used to have quite a few parts trucks till the county came through in 2002-03 and put their collective "thing" down. :sneaky:
  2. First off i believe Datzenmilk is totally joking as this is one of the few threads that has mantained it's civility for almost 2 years now. But since keeping out of a lively debate was never my strong suit... :rofl: My input on the "it should be in other places" is that this thread predates all of the current pic threads except ricer sightings ( which except for the Mazda lowrider "thing" this is not) and the Datsun sightings .. So we should delete or hide the content on those first. Not from this year ,, but for the lulz nonetheless. You see i didn't even post the picture comparing collin Kaprinik to Gonzo from the muppet show.
  3. Anyone who has witnessed my rather in your face school of graduating high school with good grades with my older boys, can confirm that i tend to agree with your thinking .. But giving a gift as incentive to try just a little harder to better yourself is also a good thing.
  4. (edit, as i forgot about the Olympics) Madams and Misshoers!! I was going to go with this hood this year,, less the emblem for security reasons. I think am going to post a few more times about leaving a mark on it this year as i tried to tell everyone that what ever you wanted to say was welcome.. But quite a few didn't scratch or write something last year, although maybe it's cuz everybody hates me.
  5. Germans tried that type of anti theft system in France ,,, didn't work out for them so well.
  6. Only a couple weeks away,,, HEY NEWBS!! COME ON OUT!! You'll have a good time,, trust me i'm a doctor. This short documentary was taped at the last Carl's jr meet .
  7. I know you gotta story ,, so lets hear it.
  8. World of Outlaws sprint cars are like watching a squirrel cage fan in a dusty room. We sit up front and you can always tell those that didn't come prepared cuz they aint got no goggles on. They look at you all weird when you put your woodshop class goggles on till the race starts and they are squinting while looking away from the track..
  9. This is about a grille? So apparently i got the hand lotion out for nothing then?
  10. Strangely enough the Swedish car show at the XXX drive-in in Issaquah is this month on the 16th.. :frantics: :frantics: We try to go every year as it is cool to see so many in one place. Here is the pics from when we went in 2012,, it was raining really hard right up till the day of show then the sky parted.. The air deflector/sticker spot , on FATs wagon was bought off a dude there. So our cruise was just me and my brother but he doesn't like people anyway. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/40149-feb-19th-olympia-to-snoqualmie-falls-cruise/ There was quite a few more newer Volvos and such but didn't take pics of most ..
  11. Homework ,,,,,,,,,,,, focus!! Everybody else ,, go ahead and carry on your discussion of the pros and cons of Martha Stewert lawn furniture.
  12. Don't encourage him man,,, pretty soon zackster will be asking about refinishing furniture and shit. Hey you dildos seen this header on JNC??
  13. Yes i like my BBQ slathered on and dripping ,, not a dry rub.
  14. Fly by wire.. :rofl: Anyway,,,,,, have you tested the battery for 12 volts? and about 14 volts running? is the car a CIS or electronic ?. You don't give year, but electronic needs full power all the time to run right. CIS can kinda cope with less till it gets to low to spin very high pressure pump.. (but it still doesn't like it) Have you tried switching to a known good battery,, not just one "good enough" to start car? Have you guys test pump pressure,, or changed fuel filters?
  15. you list bolt circle the same as 6 lug truck. ?
  16. Wasn't someone mad at you for not taking care of business on Ratsun facebook classifieds?? Just sayin
  17. Honeybabaji don't care ,, he don't give a shit.

    1. danfiveten


      I was really hoping he did, i needed help in my marriage, my wifes just to horny for me!!!

    2. bananahamuck


      Payback is a bitch ,, so now I am going to inflict my revenge on the Indian run website known as






    3. MikeRL411


      Use the "report" function

  18. So i take it you may not be interested in seeing my Seaturkeys RALLY! beard before i shave it off after tomorrows Superbowl victory parade. OH you do!! :wub: here you go ,, for the lulz
  19. 86 MR2 in the doors of four. these are the fully adjustable ones not the base model ones We put more than 5 hours in the car a few weekends ago and my back didn't even notice comfort wise. (i don't have a bad back but just sayin)
  20. It's funny while you guys were making fun of me i was over warming up some BBQ from Sunday and requisitioning liquids for said BBQ . milk to wash Costco size bag of Nacho cheese Doritos down Water to cleanse the milk Bbq pork shoulder And a glass of iced purple drink... cuz who can eat bbg without it. While listening to this album http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hobGacE9eVw Food: it's just that god damn serious.
  21. I believe i read the 49s are going to start showing their super bowl wins on the history channel because the last one wasn't even in this century.
  22. Yes same pedal box ,, you have to add a little tab somewhere for a light weight return spring on clutch.. Not really a big deal at all. A want ad may get you pedals ready to install to save build time which is what i have alot more of most times.
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