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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Maybe you should have skipped smoking the orange one .
  2. I was headed over after the trail blazers playoff game as i did not want to miss any of their rip city and what-not,, but it must have not been televised here.. Too soon??
  3. Seems like an open and shut case,,,,, I guess Shawn and Gus will have their hands full with this one.
  4. So on another board,, a moderator posted that he was buying parts from an old dude that had junk in an old cardboard box ,, he apparently expressed interest in said box,, so the guy dumped whatever was in it out ,,,,, and gave him the box. Said BOX!! :frantics: :frantics: Posting it here because if your to much of a wiener to be in insomniac you don't deserve to see it.
  5. bananahamuck

    Meet Ol' Yella

    Good on you for driving the frickin thing ,,, there is so many pussies on here lately that seem to be scared of driving more than across town. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  6. There's a dood with a gnarly chevy V8 powered 510 that drives in so i don't think there is any problem with loud cars. Well,,, if your not an asshat about it anyways.
  7. If it had slight leak PO might have just filled it with dirty container ,, flush it out and see if i comes back.. happy thoughts .
  8. Just for giggles i looked up what it would cost gasket -- $1.86 Shipping to Saipan -- $39.05 :huh:
  9. I forgot where i put these when he started thhis thread the other night,, sooo here they are. I could say he welded this up,, but that shit just wouldn't be true. FAT goes to college so his shop time during the day can be somewhat limited at times. Anyways Battery is going in the back.
  10. Fixed :rofl: Honestly if it was me ,, i would donate the thing in my will, to a good childrens type charity and have them auction it off .
  11. I honestly saw the pants hanging down all wanna be gangster in reality hipster skateboarder like and i wouldn't have clicked on that video if there was a fuckin gun to my head.
  12. they kept falling through the grill.
  13. Honestly i had no clue what you were referencing as i had forgot all about that thread , even though i had posted in it, as with alot of the facebook type dead end threads on here lately .. Then i clicked on it again a few minutes ago. :geek:
  14. What about all natural products ?? I dumped some of this in the ZX tank to clean the carbs and it worked perfectly. And a card my neighbor found when he was mowing the yard up front a week or so ago. I found others that were left there (years ago) but this one must have been under something and dislodged some how. and blew across yard.
  15. So i probably shouldn't mention i raise deer in my front yard to herd out into on coming traffic then?
  16. Brain doctors are very overrated ,, they can pretty much say "i don't know" to every question and get away with it. Will one surgery be enough? Well we won't know till after the first surgery" Will this surgery help? Well,, we don't really know" Can it cause paralysis Well ,, there's no real way to tell" Will it kill my son? Well,,,, we don't really know" Trust me try that with any other occupation ,, with EVERY customer.
  17. We are already sqeeeezen that frickin turnip pretty hard to make 3 cars to Canby ( in time as much as cash) Maybe I should make my brother work on his own 510,, that old fart.. But i digress :D . Have you thought about a I-90 meet-up BBQ meat-fest later in the summer ( Ellensburg/George/Moses lake ) ? Preferably in peach/apricot /cantalooopa/ watermelon season.
  18. It would be good for you as a new b210 owner to pick Dguy210 and B21GX-es brains in a very calm lawn chair way................... Addendum: I realize there is many local dooods that are b210 affecinardos ,, and i mean no offence to you guys, but these are an example of b210 freakshows that are a very long ways away, to talk to "in real life"..
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