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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I like my Canadian risque women to come the old fashion way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, without a kickstand.
  2. Surprise is fun ,,,,,,,,,,, well unless your picking up whores in downtown Vancouver ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, by the Metropolitan hotel.
  3. Would the pictures of the stolen lawn gnome be as fun if it left with a itinerary?
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40RsqaEavk8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FZNPGc4SlY
  5. I am not sure why this makes me laugh but it is so ridiculous that the dude could be such a heartless bastard,, let alone be that stupid,, it does. real story Trooper pleads guilty in theft from dying motorist The Connecticut Post reports 45-year-old Aaron Huntsman entered a guilty plea Wednesday to charges of larceny and tampering with evidence under the Alford Doctrine. That means he does not agree with the state's case, but concedes there is enough evidence to secure his conviction. Prosecutors say Huntsman, a 19-year veteran of the state police, was caught on video from his cruiser's dashboard camera stealing a gold chain and $3,700 from 49-year-old John Scalesse as the motorcyclist lay dying on Sept. 22, 2012. Scalesse was fatally injured when his motorcycle crashed on the Merritt Parkway in Fairfield. Huntsman faces 18 months in prison when he is sentenced on Oct. 3. Copy and pasted from here. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/trooper-pleads-guilty-theft-dying-motorist-24597278
  6. Have you reminded people on Facebook or DottiMiniTruckin ? You should cuz i met a dude locally that was on Facecrook and DMT but never heard of Ratsun.
  7. We were going to ,, ? I personally have no BBQ I use the word BBQ pretty liberally in this case. :lol: I figured me and FAT could just hang by grill and help people turn it on and what-not and every once in a while open it up and look at their wieners.. we could put the plates and what-not on the back of trucks and use beds as counter space. We were going to bring some Costco patties and buns and maybe some hotdogs. probably some cheap ass pop also. I will have at least one of the twins in the morning as my wife and Albert have to help with the Lakefair Marathon,, and you know those two can never roam around by their selves. So i will definitely not be wandering to far from grill at least till the afternoon. Like i said you can do your thing and not be tied down to helping people find something to eat. I will bring that radiator and 411 stuff with us If someone was to bring ice chest to throw meat in it would be helpful.
  8. Have you ever been to Wienas ,, it's probably a trap to find more kin.
  9. By what he quoted though, i'm thinking that stoned fucker don't know where deer ends and genocide starts. I may have to buy my twin boys bullet proof outer wear,, in case he and Qtip come by to "help" me with my problem. :D
  10. Your good people man just workin ya over a bit.. See you at your show,,,,, in our Datsuns. :)
  11. OOOORR maybe not call people assholes ,, maybe ,, huh bro. If you are going to hide behind an excuse for bad behavior at least don't whine when someone calls you out for it. And again what part of he is NOT a new member don't you understand? He joined over 2 years ago!!
  12. No i do not believe it's a work service of any kind it's a link share thing ,, i bellieve that you post the website link and when someone clicks on it ,,the person who posted link is awarded a monetary amount. Spam scam
  13. Just to add to the debate ,, not new either ,, member join date was Oct 2011. Anyways was it a flared out car,, i'm thinking in like a weird fluorescent blue like color?? ... Cuz if so,, it was wrapped around a tree on the hiway heading to Aberdeen, about 2 years ago.
  14. So this happened An old sticker i bought back in the eighties that was in my buckets of 720 parts ,,,,,,,,, , no shit. Last time we believe it was licensed to be on the road We are going to be tearing around Olympia later ,, to whom it may concern,, see you then.
  15. I voted to make someone feel like he was a winner!!
  16. I have Google on my computer too,, but that doesn't change my statement one bit.. YOU said he should use a lsx he said he might consider it. Trust me as a "ex" circle tracking Ford driver,, i hate chevys, but if ya want to come over,, i will show you my stacks of Chevy 283-400 heads so you will trust me in saying, i do understand them . i will provide lemonade or iced tea if you want.. Sorry OP but we are here to critique and discuss your build, and bump it to the top.
  17. Maybe just the drive thru is 24 hours as it is in a extremely sketchy location. Did you see the bacon doughnut on their facebook page!!?
  18. That is all those deer repellent stuff you buy in stores really is and it does seem to work pretty good but.. My twins are kinda put everything in their mouths type guys still, so we have to worry about salmonella and stupid shit other people can normally ignore.
  19. I think your kinda taking Hainz-es comments in the wrong way. He doesn't edit for diplomatic sounding sentences like normal humans do. :D Think of his answers as if you two are standing in a garage BS-ing with someone you have known for a long time ,, that's how you have to read them.
  20. PUGET SOUND DATSUNS Midnight Summer Run! We'll be meeting at Dockside Donuts (open 24hrs.) downtown Tacoma, WA. at 11:00pm. From there I'm planning we cruise by the waterfront, through the north end, looping down Pearl St., over onto the I-5 and getting up to some freeway speeds! Eventually looping back down to Dockside Donut's for donut-eating round 2! Yelp seems to say they aren't open 24hrs? Starting to wonder WTF on both of these things planned for this day,, myself.
  21. This thing brings dead rabbit carcases to the front steps where the dog naps all the time as some kinda weird ritual offering of evil .
  22. We have more than 8 deer coming from the powerline clearing that goes by at the far end of the property, wandering through here ,, the dog is always chasing them off.. But they are pretty immune to any wolf repellent as the neighbors use to spray that shit all over to protect their roses,,, and every moonless night they walk. Eating everything in their path like very large locusts. We also have at loads of wild rabbits sneaking around out there ,,,,,, watching ,,,, waiting.
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