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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I just shot a hole in the wall,, I'm soooo wasted!!
  2. bananahamuck

    1977 620

    You do realize the 22r has 400 cc over the L20b right? Maybe if you were comparing same size engines it would be more applicable . Your comparing apples to oranges and hoping to get a watermelon torque wise.
  3. Good to see Ratwagon back posting too..
  4. Do this,, Acme adapters make very inexpensive adapters for what you get,, i seen a diesel Zuki kit installed and it fit perfectly. But installing anything smaller than a Detroit Diesel 6V-92TT is being a pussy.
  5. You have never returned my e-mails from almost 2 months ago,, as to exactly when i could look at the parts you have. But i'm glad the guy that just bought a 411 will get first shot at the parts. ;) .
  6. Strange inner workings on this puppet,, as i find the only way to get him to do anything is stick my foot up his ass.
  7. You know i wouldn't put it past my wife to spend 16 years telling me he's a child,, in a scheme to spend $5600. that she says the orthodontist was paid ,, and not get bitched at. :sneaky:
  8. I think the driveline of 1980 720 king cab at Tumwater pick n pull was there in bed,, if you need to shorten it anyways ,, it might be an option. Donovan said his is for sale $300. bucks ,,,,,,,,,, drifter tax. not really ,, ne never sells anything.
  9. Muther fucker has dark brown almost black,,, lifeless eyes,,,,, like a dolls eyes.
  10. Ok,, i'm confused . I deleted many words and pictures but my question is,, if you met up with Bababoowee and these guys,, why then were you waiting at the garage for them?? Sadly the last street driven door RX2 i seen in person was the one i sold in the late 80s :hmm:
  11. A young FAT510 This guy Looks alot like Do not look right into the gingers eyes,, your soul,, he is absorbing it.
  12. Yeah i started a new job this weekend with Service Masters and i was over at your moms house cleaning her carpet,,,,,,, so to speak.. The only picture i have is this one.
  13. Since QTip is barely outta onesies himself.. Albums are like MP3s you played them on a spinning platform .,, much like the CDs you have seen used in the past but larger and not as shiny,, . On these "albums" as we liked to call them,, were a cardboard covering to protect them from damage.. If one was to partake in "baking toast" whilst listening to said album ,, one could stare at card board covering as it many times was covered with colorful pictures, band notes and such.
  14. It probably is,, i don't know the early Rolling stones by face as i'm not ancient ,,, but that dude farther up the stair case (on his shoulder) looks just like a Stone also. .. I ain't diiging no albums outta the garage to see though.
  15. Yellow datsun song. You have to click little green arrow next to picture to play it. http://amazingtunes.com/peterlehndorff/tunes/39242
  16. I love that album to head phone mellow out too. When i listen to that album, i picture myself drinking my morning coffee, on my covered porch on a hill in Montana , cool breeze blowin over my bare feet ,, overlooking absolutely nothing for as far as you can see.
  17. Upgrades are one thing but,, ad says needs brake booster,,,, meaning the brakes don't work for shit and their clutching at straws as to why. Ad also says needs a TPS meaning , it either doesn't run or idle for shit and they have changed other stuff and are guessing it is that. And why wouldn't you put a Ebay ignition lock set in the car if your asking that much? The bondo ,, meh that don't scare me as old cars are going to be banged around some. And good luck with college. :) Opinions expressed about this ad are the opinions of this poster no rhesus monkeys were harmed in this reply.
  18. I'm putting this as diplomatically as i can as i have one son in college and one most likely headed to University in two years.. How in the holy begeezus are you able to buy a 7000. dollar project car if your going to college? To answer you,, it seems high for the seemingly easy fixes that aren't fixed. Meaning the problems discribed may be a cover for something more wrong with it.
  19. The two going down on the front of head?
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