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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Maybe you should lick my butthole Was that clear enough for you to understand??. WE ( meaning more than just me sitting here) were fucking with Paradime and we were laughing aboot it ,, i read and understood everthing i posted ,,, it was MEANT TO confuse him.... THAT was the game plan. but thanks my little helpity helper .
  2. Hey you Californians can't liberalize everything you know,,, some of us still believe in the freedoms the constitution of the United States of America grants us.. USA USA USA!!
  3. I was talking about Hatred as that is what the mothers against American freedom were rallying against above,, :rofl:
  4. Whilst you America haters carry on,,,, i might suggest you look up where the company that actually made the video game is based,,, Hint ,, it's FUCKING POLAND!! .. But you guys keep up the good fight and someday you can tell your grandchildren how you were able to shelter their parents,,, from all the EVIL that is the United States of America.. Maybe you should think about bubble wrapping them too. looks alot like Dick Cheneys America in here tonight. WAY to do your research
  5. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/64787-north-sound-meet-up-hobo-housewarming-sedro-woolley-wa/ Maybe if that event thread was dated in title or Address in text somewhere it would help guys up north out a tiny bit.
  6. My oldest brother still gets mad when he gets talking about spending so much time having to repair tanks, rather than being able to drive it around and aiming it at people. Thought i would add most of time it was just scheduled maintenance not actual "need" to be fixed yet, type shit.
  7. Meh. Both older sons are pretty much house bound as they are addicted to those type games. One set track record at his high school ( i might mention a very athletically dominant high school) ,, but has always struggled to make passing grades,, even now in community college... The other was sent to George Washington University last summer for medical summer programs ( as a high school sophmore) because of his grades.. Would i rather them both be out chasing trouble like me and his mom did in school?? Having most of our friends from school either dead years ago or spent time in prison ,,, or both,,,,,,,,,,, probably not. Just as pornography doesn't make your kid a rapist,, or rock n roll turn you into a drug addict. ALTHOUGH ,, since this whiney ass post(its) Post(ass) shit came up again i would like to address MY take on it. . Wouldn't marrying a woman HALF your age ,, send a huge message to a impressionable daughter that dating guys twice her age is completely acceptable ?? Or is that another "do as i whine about,, not as i do" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, type thing??
  8. These guys are right, the next time the space shuttle is built outta what looks like a engine stand, a BBQ grill and a garden tractor blade.. You can just count yourself out mister. :rofl: :rofl: Other than that ,, wasn't it supposed to snow this week down there?? Cuz you better get a couple pictures of you crashing that bumbitch around..
  9. Maybe just the tip? I gotta spot for a navigator if you are going to try and back out with some BS excuse ,,, well i use the word navigator in a very broad sense,,, after the whole "downtown Portland street fair" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, incident. :sneaky:
  10. Don't know where he was i believe out towards Packwood though as that is where his brother lives... Out by that Butler creek Kevin mentioned.. Nope on all the rest of it,,, but he did get on a " I need to update my will so when i die" kick ( his brother Victor die suddenly last year too) so that already had him spooked... I told him he is like a twinky,, he may have already been dead for years,, and just not notice it yet.
  11. Ahhh yeah i'm sorry, i forgot your in north caroooooliiiiina,,, and it was Satuuuurday,, my bad. To make up for it and show you that there is no ill will ,, here's the NC state song ,, I listened to it and you will like the fact it doesn't have any "jungle noises" in it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqUaBwhyzWo
  12. JJ crashed his new glider a while back, i think one of the wings(?) broke off in flight. Evergreens stopped him from hitting ground at full speed.
  13. NO FRIENDS!! Wait just a god damn minute, there was a girl dressed as zombieMcboobers texting your lady.
  14. Packwood is pretty damn cool if you had a way of supporting ones self . We were moving bulldozers outta Packwood in about 1998 and something broke so we went into tiny neighboring town called Randle to parts store (now closed) and all the kid behind the counter kept talking about was how he needed to get out of there.... My brother that never says anything says,, "Man there's people that would give anything to live out here,,, look out the window man,, it's fuckin gods country out there!!" Me ,, "Yup" :rofl:
  15. Yeah but both of those are the sportier looking short roof models,,, ours,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not so much. Other pic didn't show cuz it was trapped in quote. Hoopty Zs 2016
  16. Wow,, look at mister big shot with his clean new tools. Hey i still would like a sketch and measurements of those brackets before you mount them. if that's possible. And does your female know any nice girls that are attracted to skinny guys that drive rusty old wagons??
  17. Yeah but the Motley Crue i grew up with wore lipstick, dressed like women and were one of the kick ass shows EVER ,,,soooooo as Osgood in some like it hot says.. "Well,, nobodys perfect" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yWM_MQcWMw Think I'll pack it in and buy a pick-up Take it down to L.A. Find a place to call my own and try to fix up. Start a brand new day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8odlwI94uFA
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