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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Random fact for Tuesday March 10th 2015: March 10th will fall on this exact same date ,,every year,,,,,,,, for eternity
  2. I was wondering where Franky goes to Hollywoods orange car went,,, we even drove super slow by there when he had his garage door up a few week ends ago... To bad no one will ever see any of these cars again,,, except for in pictures.
  3. Be a fuck up while your young enough to recover,,,, there is plenty of time to be old maids,, later in you life... I have buried a few of my best freinds in my 20s ,, but it is the ones that have actually made it to their late 40s that seem to be really content with their lives as they partied till they puked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, for 20 years. :lol:
  4. Looked like they were having fun to me.... How many ,, if any got seriously hurt??? Fuck it ,, you guys sound like a bunch of 60 years old women on here,,,,,,,, holy fuck!!
  5. What difference does the Olympus rally make?? i like the 18th
  6. put a weber on it and drive it ,, i drove my brothers 70 for about a year or more with the auto... It was kinda a pig from a stop but once off that ,, thing bombed out to the coast all the fuckin time with no problems... Would be better safer for your little nose miner when she is ready to drive it to school also.
  7. I think he was shooting for a Sunday so a couple guys would have an easier time of making it..
  8. What is this car talk on public radio or some shit,,,,,,,,,,,, fuck that noise...
  9. What is your compression on every cylinder?? I still think it's a valve seat cocked in there.
  10. All your lash pads are on ?? Yeah oil is definitely going to be flying EVERYWHERE!!, if you run it like that. My neighbor has a valve cover with just the very top cut off from just past the chain back.,,, and that shit still flys every god damn where.
  11. that thing is in this thread about 5 times , :lol: :lol: , if you went through Hoquiam on the way it's hard to believe you didn't see all the 521s..
  12. Sticky valve is unlikely unless you starved it of oil at some point,, Fats 720 had a rattle like that ,, no matter how tight or loose you set valves same tick,,,, probably set them 5-6 times in just a day for at least 2 days straight , ended up the valve seat dropped out.
  13. Well with all the garbage these "heathens" play i will say i'm not a bit surprised,,,maybe you should try some more sophisticated type toons ,, much like this gem .
  14. Maybe but, the first guy only gets kicked in the chest area,, and stays down,,, for the rest of the 30 seconds the video went on..
  15. Those guys were waaaay to agitated to stay down after only one or two punches /kicks to the face..
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