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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Are you old enough to remember that 80s vette with the huge ass "IMSA" body kit?? I been trying but can't seem to find it
  2. 520 front brake hose ... Rock auto
  3. I got that same picture only one car back
  4. Ok,,, it's 12:30am Sunday morning.. i'm sitting at the picnic table,, minding my own business , to my left i got my son Fat510 and MrbigGuido about at fisticuffs over the fucking tire size difference between a 2018 camaro and an 2018 mustang ,, to my right i got skyblue cooking quesadillas on a tipsy ass burner thing with a cast iron pan on top about to fall over on me,,, all the while getting a lecture from Phixuis AKA "uncle salty" about the proper way to ask about car curtains.. Whilst in the back we got MCJrock and his "Frankie goes to Hollywood" strobe/spot flashlight dancing to gangster rap... i'm already ready for 2018 IBTL
  5. Cool that you guys had TWO picnic tables and so many chairs Not that there's anything wrong with that. .
  6. Short version .. After going over a few different wordings John Morton said "i got something" layed the matchbox car on table and came up with all the wording you got on the thing himself ,, smiled a big ass grin and handed back to me.. After at least 3 times of me and FAT510 chickening outs.. :lol: we noticed him with just one person so . We went in thinking just something off the wall but safe like "Flatcat,, sorry you couldn't make show,, get well soon,, idiot" Signed Mario Andretti .. SOOO after we convinced him we weren't completely fucking insane, and that since you were a hardcore hotwheels collector having a matchbox was even more of a dig.. He smiled and thought what we were doing was somewhat funny so he played along. We discussed "racier" ones,,, one of his included you being called an ass,,, but the young woman next to him gave him the "are you crazy" look ,, so he thought he shouldn't sign his name to that. We laughed and agreed.. So the discussion changed to why would you even want this,, and Ratsun came up and trolling each other in general .. He said he heard of that word alot but didn't really know what i meant, so us and the young lady explained it was when some gives people a hard time or starts shit for their own entertainment,,,, that's when he smiles and said " i got something" Boom
  7. Dammit this was next year?? I guess i forgot all about it and will miss it..
  8. At my dads farm as soon as the child could reach the steering wheel and the gas pedals at the same time ,,, you are now the new forklift driver. Now go get us some more boxes you little fucker
  9. This came over the group text a little while ago..
  10. No way that is blood ,, if the story posted above is even a little accurate,,, the guy supposedly got drunk at night and that pic is clearly daytime and by cars in neighboring parking lot probably after 10am .. I have been around very large pools of blood and can say there is no way in the world blood would still have that reflective sheen after what has to have been at least 6 hours.. probably closer to 8 or 9 Another thing is that car has to be relatively new so the pans in it would easily be able to hold what,, maybe 2 gallons of blood at the most like a giant bucket,.. and it would have carpeting with a pad that would also easily,,,,,,,,,,,easily soak up that much liquid.. That's if all the blood in his body came out through his neck somehow,,, which wouldn't have happened as he was in sitting position when decapitated,,
  11. So what does Mr. Cosmonaut have for sailing??
  12. Yes there would probably be room down around that corner in front of main building but you gotta pay to set up table.. The swap usually goes around corner but i have seen it reach all the way into that far corner and i assume it could reach the far gate by the showers if there was enough sellers. I think Ted has his spot pretty full as of now.
  13. Probably couple days late but i just saw it so it's new to me. COVFEFE = Clinton Ordered Vince Foster’s Execution, Found Evidence .
  14. Well,,,,,,,,, anything as long as it is the realm of what you have decided is best for him.. Don't bullshit yourself or us Cuz WHAT-EVER means ,,,,,,,,,, anything .
  15. What if someone was to start a website,, dedicated to spending hard earned money and tons of our free time fixing up what are considered by the general population of the world,, to be worthless piles of rust?? oh. .
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