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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Yeah, I say we raise the post minimum to 100 and add a 20 post per-day limit to make sure the newbz have to contribute to the society before selling their stuff. Now of course, WTB's shouldn't have a minimum post limit IMO since they're putting money back into the society...
  2. I spoke to an old friend tonight that had been of Ratsun for a while dealing with family issues. Said he got back on and couldn't figure out what happened to Ratsun, and where everything went. He mentioned that he misses being able to browse the for sale section every few hours for a good deal that he might like. Bought cars/engines and all kinds of stuff that way. Told me that he probably won't get on Ratsun much anymore with all the dysfunction in a lot of the areas too. ^^Just putting it out there.
  3. Going to look at a bubble flared 2 door soon...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. metalmonkey47


      Hmmmmmm perhaps, perhaps not :P Hopefully, you'll know soon!

    3. Kirden


      Haha, good enough. If if just so happens to be, I hatechu! LOL

    4. metalmonkey47


      :3 don't hate me TOO soon haha

  4. Car is coming along quite well man. Keep it up. For future reference, the AZ steering/suspension stuff is actually pretty great. Made by Federal Mogul, which is the parent company of Moog. They told me over the phone one day when i called for some product info that It's literally identical to the Moog line.
  5. For future reference, http://www.scuderiatopolino.com/TuningofWebercarburetorsrev2.pdf ^That is an awesome resource for understanding the importance of jetting. Def something I'm printing and putting in my Datsun handbook I'm making. My understanding is that an increase on the main jets would be considered to be .5 per step. So essentially my 140-160 jet was 4 steps. My air jets could not possibly be as small as I thought they were, probably thinking of the idle since redline weber starts at a 105 air jet and goes up from there. The Air jet goes 20 per step, so maybe I need to asses my air jets and increase them about 1/2 step to a full step at a time.
  6. I don't think mines doing quite as well as yours right now, carb being the biggest issue at the moment. I was gonna open up the air jets today, but didn't find the right size bits, so I may go order new jets tonight or a re-jet kit. The truck stumbles SO bad when the secondary opens all the way for about a second or so and I'm hoping it has to do with jetting, because I've tried everything else. Video will be up in a second for you to see what I mean... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNmP9mbeWEc&feature=youtu.be
  7. You can alsways finds sense-wire and check with a ohm-meter to see if you have continuity w/ ground. If so, short to ground. If not, replace the POS :P
  8. My L20B W/ Weber, header, and L16 intake did about 29mpg. Haven't measured my LZ yet, but I'm gonna guess I'll do about 18-20.
  9. I wonder if the sens-wire is shorted to ground.
  10. Also kinda pissed that Nissanparts.cc didn't get me my parts until I asked to cancel it. PISSED. But that's okay, because the head is seeping oil on the drivers side of the block.Gonna need to replace the crappy failpro gasket.
  11. It's got a tag inside that says Tennessee's finest and nothing further then that. Not sure if it was made by them, or just sold by them, but I know they're no longer around. Thanks guys! Feels nice to have some power under my feet now. ^^THIS :rofl::rofl: Honestly, I could imagine an L20B would have about as much HP as this does right now, still dealing with jetting problems. The torque on this thing is unimaginable though! I'm up to maybe $2500 all included (fluids and such too) almost $400 alone into the clutch/flywheel. It's worth a hell of a lot more then i payed for the motor though, M-o-T is awesome and gave me a really good deal. I'm gonna add up a price sheet soon and see where I stand.
  12. WOW. I need to get mine on the dyno. I don't feel very confident yet. I don't think I'm making that big of a difference in HP just yet. I've been reading up on the Dime Quarterly article about suggested jet sizes on the 32/36, but nothing seems to be too concrete. I'm seeing a lot of info suggesting that the emulsion tubes need to change as the air jets change, while it's suggested that the air jets increase at about the same interval as the mains. I think my 160 main's are still too small, but I haven't even opened the air jets yet. I think I'm going to open up the main primary to 170, and evaluate the air jets from there. I believe they're 65/60. That would mean I'd want to go to an 80/75? Any suggestions on what I might look at increasing as far as the air jets go? This is getting a little too detailed for my noobish self to go without a second opinion.
  13. If it comes down to it, I have a spare i can mail you. Just LMK Wait, you're in GA? Just come get this shit from me mang, I got a good clutch and pressure plate you can have too. Not many miles on 'em
  14. Mannnn I ain't even that low :fu: Torsion bars out all the way, poly bumpstops, and pinto shocks at the front, 720 leafs at the back with 2'' blocks. DONE. lol dood, true story I made those things by hand and took FOREVER measuring the fitment. PAIN int he ass and even worse with the recaros, but I made that shit work. :)
  15. I'M BACK. After dealing with this thread: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/55992-lz-losing-power-and-overheating/ Got the truck running better then ever. Found a local Amsoil dealer that may be able to get it for the cost of a normal synthetic, so I may be running awesome fluids soon! As far as HP goes though, the reason my L20B only made 52HP was because the throttle cable was binding and wasn't opening the secondary like I though it was. I looked before, but I must have been confused, because I was only getting 3/4 throttle before. The POWER out of this motor is astounding for this like 32/36. I'm surprised at its capability. I can chirp third like it's no ones business. The motor is so robust and makes me soooo happy to put my foot down. More on all that shit later though... _DSC0189 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0205 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0209 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0213 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0215 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0225 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0226 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  16. Sweet, so.now that we have his addy..... What do we sign.him up for?
  17. I've thought about that, but some SUs or DCOEs are the direction I'm leaning. I just wanna get as much power out of the 32/36 as I can for now
  18. metalmonkey47

    Line X

    ^^This. I LOVE herculiner. Buddy did it and it looks fantastic on his 620
  19. Understandable. The carb has GOT to be limiting me. 1 5/8 intake ports with matched U67 intake, L28 valves, cam is 275 degrees at .025"lift, 250 degrees at .050" lift and .475" lift at zero lash. Wondering if what's limiting me may be more to do with the jetting still. Like above, I'm getting stumbling when I open the throttle all the way. Whenever the secondary opens, I can feel it lag a little bit, and it doesn't feel like I'm doing much better.
  20. It's really sad that people have been so anal that you (new member) felt the need go.bring it up. I hope you.get the answer you're looking for. It's a valid question.
  21. FIGURED IT OUT. ^^^DONE DONE DONE. Not gonna go back and respond to everything because it's now irrelevant. Overheating Fixed By: -Decreasing heat range on plugs to a B9ES (3 points colder) based on 620turbo's recommendation. Huge help! -Increase secondary & primary jets to 160 from 140 -Decrease IGN timing to about 8 degree's @ 1000rpm idle. Having issues in that department, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I WILL be going wideband O2 down the road when I update my exhaust configuration, but I need to figure out how to wire that up... '02 VW 1.8T Upstream O2 is a wideband, and runs about $50 so i'll end up using that on a generic gauge. The head has about 500 miles on it, and they haven't yet been adjusted since we put the motor in. (They were perfect before) but I'll follow up with a valve adjustment when I do my compression test in a few weeks. The 32/36 is going to KICK ROCKS. I hate it for power. The motor can't breath past 6000 and starts to choke right at 6000. I'm looking at a set of SU's or maybe a single 45 DCOE. NOW. the moment of truth.... The very same reason my L20B made 52HP is the same reason my LZ has been shit. -Throttle cable was binding at the linkage and wasn't pulling the secondary open hardly at all. I looked at it before and could swear it was opening all the way, but maybe I'm just being retarded. I leaned on it by accident and found the cable was loose. Had my brother mash down his foot while the truck was off and found I wasn't getting about 1/4 of the throttle open!! Re-adjusted and viola! Instant HP. I'm so satisfied! Did a gnarly burnout last night, and found that I can chirp third with minimal effort. This thing is a torque monster. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only issue I'm having now is that the truck stumbles when you jump on the throttle from about 3-5000RPM. I think it may be running a little lean, so I'm gonna look at the plugs. I've thought about increasing the jets to 170's, but I gotta check the air jets first. Any input on this issue?
  22. Have you seen Jay Leno's video?
  23. Kick ass admins like you guys keep us free of cherry diet pills and gay porn. Thanks Admins!!!
  24. Thanks for the information guys!! Huge help, I'm gonna be back with a full response in a short bit, but for now I found some B9ES plugs on the shelf at my AutoZone and I'm tossing those in once I get home in a bit... I've also found a 1/64 drill bit equals 1.60mm so I've drilled a spare jet I had to match, and I'm going to put it in with the new plugs tonight... Be back later for more discussion and to answer the questions. You guys really got.me thinking.
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