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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. I was wrenching on my Weber this morning trying to get the truck running after a bout of the usual 'shit in the jets' problems I had last night. Ran the motor, warmed it up, adjusted the idle mixture, turned the truck off. Now I've been noticing for some time that I've been getting bubbling that sounded like it was coming from the gas tank whenever I shut off the truck after a long drive. Welp, heard it again. Turns out, it's coming from the radiator. I opened the cap and I have a fuck ton of foam in the radiator. Question is: What causes this? Naturally the first thing I thought was head gasket. -No oil in coolant -No coolant in oil -No coolant in the exhaust -No sweet smelling exhaust Basically, NOTHING supports a popped head gasket except my compression test. I found 120PSI on cyl 1, and averaged 160 on 2,3,4. However, this was also the first compression test and the motor has less then 1000 miles on it yet, and hasn't been giving me many issues at all. Most were carb related. It's highly possible that the rings haven't fully seated on cyl 1. With that said, it was overheating at one point, if you recall it was because if carb jetting being wayyyyy too lean. That's been fixed. I've done a little reading and there are tons of theories out there from coolant contamination, etc. http://www.nastyz28.com/forum/showthread.php?s=30c5f07dbfa840c35a94393623b44132&t=12874&page=2 ^This guy found running no t-stat was his issue. I'm actually not running a t-stat at the moment either. I suppose I need to go toss my 160 back in. EDIT: For relevance, I'm using a FelPro gasket on a close chambered A87 with a C/R of about 9.5:1. I have a NISMO gasket sitting next to me, and plan on putting it in. Just gotta get a timing chain first since we re-used the old one. (Kit we had was for the wrong motor)
  2. 7K erry day! Seriously. I have a happy motor around 7000. But usually drive it around 3-4K But still... LZ @ 7000..... WIN
  3. So I did my first compression test on the new motor.... Been what...2 months now? Looks like it's time to take it apart soon. Gotta find time to check valve lash first. But I need to take it apart for a new timing chain anyways, since the Camelia we had was too short. Think it was for a Z20 or L18... just reused the old one that was in decent shape.
  4. Cuz seeing her face in this thread pisses me off and makes me not want to post cool Studebaker pics lulz. Post tits is more appropriate down the road.
  5. Take a flashlight and look. Or grab the chain and see if there's any slack.
  6. I think I'm gonna go troll Hybridz tonight. Cuz I cant spellz for teh shyt.
  7. Hey mate, hold on. It all gets better in time. It will never be okay, but it will get better. Your father at one point felt the same paint you feel now, and he turned out to be a great happy man. You have a lot to look forward to, and you were obviously raised very well. Just keep your head up. If you're ever feeling down and need a distraction, text me or call me anytime. I'll do the best I can man.
  8. BTW. My absolute favorite car/color scheme ever. I drooled and stared for a few min. Studebaker by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr
  9. It will come soon... when it's least expected. So don't expect it. Ahhhh the good old Stude Wagons. True story, the town of South Bend was built around the South Bend Studebaker factory. I believe late 1800's was when it was built. It was practically a town in itself. In fact, some of the office buildings from the old Studebaker factory still exist in down town South Bend! They did have some old Studebaker carriages there. Lots of cool stuff! Studebaker by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr OH YOU GUYS ARE LUCKY. I found this in my Flickr. Forgot Monkeygirl uploaded these to my Flickr. No more preview ;)
  10. LOL chill guys. I have lots to share. I have no good stuff here on my laptop in Indiana. Be patient and I MIGHT come up with something temporary as long as it doesn't leave Ratsun.
  11. Just ordered a new laptop from Dell. Trying to run Adobe Lightroom on my laptop is SHIT. 3 years old and it's not even close to up-to-spec. I'll get some teasers up. I usually don't like uploading pictures un-processed and un-watermarked though. Also, went to the fair the other day and watched demo derbys. Between the import class and American class, they did lawn tractor derby with pool noodles! Fucking fantastic!
  12. Hey hey, be nice guys. She's a great chick regardless. Not worthy of any bad vibes. Just a shit situation.. In other news, I fucking LOVE South Bend. The roads here go on for miles and feel like they never end. Nothing around but farms and long winding roads. I've really considered moving out here, and may just do that. Done some cool stuff in the last few days. Lots to talk about, but no time. But seriously, did you guys know Studebaker made a fucking hover car in 1965?? Yeah...went back to the museum. Lots of bitchin stuff. Be back later.
  13. Be careful when grabbing the shaft not to damage/mare it, or else it'll stick when you try to push it back in.
  14. Looks like a good fit and nice install. Great looking radiator too. But uh.... fram oil filter?
  15. :rofl: what you did there. I see it!
  16. Surprised more of you guys don't watch AusV8 Supercar. The drivers are pretty friggen intense!
  17. Just in case you don't know... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2PwS8FCfxo
  18. I love Chimaira. Pretty fucking heavy dudes. Their live stuff looks cool too. I remember back in high school a few years ago when they were working on their new album, I sat in computer class on their website where they broadcasted the recording sessions and listened. Badass guys. Play all their stuff in Drop C (mostly)
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