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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Welcome to Ratsun! You'll be here for a while, and trust me you won't ever be the same again. Just to warn you ahead of time, this Datsun will consume all of your money so don't plan on having a girlfriend or a life. Other then that, enjoy your Datsun :) Oh and BTW, listen to what these guys say about the interior. Trust me, if you pull it you will be regretting it.
  2. For a 210, no. Find a set of 280ZX struts and brakes and use those.
  3. :rofl: I'll take care of that right now.
  4. LOL fail-wheel-drive!!! Oh weellll, it's still fast
  5. Get a can 'o spray paint and a wire brush and start cleaning!! It's easier then you think ;)
  6. You don't have to take it out to have it tested ;) We carry a neat little tool that puts a drain on the charging system and tweaks the charging system to test it. It's as accurate as throwing it on the tester inside. The same tool will do a starter test AND battery test.
  7. I need moar lower now. lol I feel bad that my car sits so high...
  8. Yessir! I'm very satisfied with her right now. I'll have to bring her to you soon so you can see how badass she's becoming.
  9. A series engines are VERY simple. So you're in luck. yes they are mechanical. Check your fuel pressure and see if it's adequate. Also replace your fuel fuel filter. Should be located on the fire wall on the passenger side. It's $3-4 at Autozone. As for the carb, get a weber. You know how great they are if you have ever used one. Before the long journey, put in new plugs, cap and rotor and inspect it thoroughly. Check ALL your lights and make sure you have someone behind you just in case something happens. you never know with an old Datsun that you're unfamiliar with. I drove my 210 45 miles home in the pooring rain at just above 32 degrees with no heat and had no problems. As long as you can get her to run long enough to make it there, you should be fine.
  10. Wow man, all the original documentation to go along with it! Very impressive find. Every penny well spent. Give her a good wash and inspection before you do too much. Almost too good to be true. I'd definitely be interested in some scans for sure. The old documentation is the coolest stuff to read through.
  11. So heres a short story that really doesn't matter for shit, but ima tell you anyways and you know you're gonna read it. I woke up this morning to the sound of angels singing and birdies chirping. I instantly knew it was going to be a good day. I ran down the stairs with my keys in my hands ready to hit the car running. Step 1, wrap the manifold. (Got some DEI titanium header wrap for my manifold.) Step 2, torque down the head. POP! Done. re-checked it 3 times to verify correct numbers. DONE! Install intake and exhaust manifolds with new shiny hardware I just purchased. Oh shit... where did I put that... 10 minuets gone.. oh yeah, it's with the carburetor. *Facepalm* 10 minuets wasted but I don't care. It's almost noon and I'm already half way done. LUNCH BREAK. Fast forward another hour. Grab the 28MM socket and 1/2'' drive ratchet and all other little tools and adjust the valves. Reference Pumpkins "How-To" then realize the manual is next to me and theres no need to get on Ratsun. Now my new laptops all oily. Fuckit, that's RATSUN baby!! anyways, .010 adjusted and ready to go! Grab the carb and slap it on there with my custom throttle bracket. Adjust and ta daaaaaaaaa!!!! Hook up all the coolant lines and wires. Oh yeah, and the fuel line. Cuz thats (hella) important YO. Put the spark plugs in without cleaning. "I'll do that later. I just wanna start it" is what I told myself. Grabbed the battery and threw it in the car. Filled up all my fluids and got the air out of the engine. Attached the air cleaner, which was nicely provided by Bonvo I might also ass, to the Weber. Realized that my 12 volt wire to the fuel cutoff was hanging down on the block. Glad I didn't hook up the battery. 10 minuets go by fiddling and making last minuet adjustments. Anyways, now my dads standing in front of the car as i turn it over with the coil unhooked, just to check for leaks or odd noises. All clear. Hook the coil up, turn the key and all I hear is "ruh ruh ruh ruh ruhhhhhhh...." dead. Pull the battery, put it on the charger at 10 amps. Leave it for an hour. Go fuck around on Forza 3 in my 510 dreaming. Then go out with my brother fucking around in the S/C Tiburon. Thats a WHOLE other story. lol Hour later and I grab the battery, throw it in the car and turn the key. "YESSSSSSSS!!!!" I'm like a happy clown. It actually turned over this time!!!! A few seconds of cranking and it's not running. Pump the gas a little and then next thing I know VAROOOOMMM she comes to life. Obviously healthier now that she's not running on 50PSI of compression. yYah I know mike, CLOWN SHOES. Yada yada yada. Anyways, the fun was outlived because I had to shut it off. The exhaust was cut right after the manifold so it was a little noisy. I jacked it up, put on the CherryBomb and started her back up to let it idle. So smooth and clean. Still smoking, but at least it's all oil this time and not water. Probably stuck rings. At least that's fixable without tearing it down. Seafoam FTW! Soon to be driving it now! Just gotta button up a few things and do more tuning and adjustments. Then she's gonna hit the road and before I know it, I'll be heading out to pick up a new(ish) Datsun! Maybe a 620 ;) I think I deserve a Dr. Pepper now. too bad I can't drink em anymore :( been about a month. Oh well. Off track now. Guess thats it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy0O_-mEcg4
  12. So we did some quick street pulls on this thing today. First run from 45 in 3rd gear, gunned it and the clutch was fully engaged and slipped. time for an upgrade. Second pull 3rd gear at 50, clutch grabbed fine and the tires spun. 3rd run was perfect. In fact, some ricer tried to race us right after. LOL no thanks street fag. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC4zPUThLts
  13. Look, it's CharlieBucket and his Crown.
  14. God that makes me miss my Honda :( wish I never sold it.
  15. Going to look for one at work right now dude. We just got a truck in yesterday night. Congrats!!!
  16. When did you do that????? What happened to the turbo A15?
  17. Turtle would do good. I used turtle wax rubbing compound and Meguires polishing compound, but the Turtle Wax stuff is good.
  18. What the fuck?? Whose blue one is that?? It's SICK!!!!
  19. Hey man, I still gotta meet up with you one day and see that beast Also got a video. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=446693582550
  20. To everyone that showed up at the meet, great job! The turnout was awesome I heard. I'll be at the next one for sure. ^^CharlieBucket
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