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metalmonkey47 last won the day on April 17 2022

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About metalmonkey47

  • Birthday 06/11/1991

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    Atlanta, GA
  • Cars
    '19 Corvette Z06, '12 Xterra Pro-4X, another '12 Xterra Pro-4X, '13 Triumph Daytona
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  1. How common are 810's?

    1. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      In our neck of the woods? I know of one Wagon in NC and I'm sure there's a few sedans. An 810 wagon would be the shiznitz

    2. RedBanner
    3. ArchetypeDatsun


      I'd say there pretty common but definitely puts them in one of the rarest Datsuns I see them for sale on CL every 1 month & half to 3 months but there always far from me. Just 4 weeks ago saw a 78 810 wagon that was for sale on CL for $3500 them waited about a week and the price dropped to $1000 it was super straight nice paint but it was in L.A. That's like a 12 hour drive and being broke could make it.

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