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Everything posted by goes2fast

  1. How much for a pair of fenders shipped to 80013? Mine are very rusty!:(
  2. Thanks, I just wish I was making more progress!:D
  3. Now I'm down to just in need of an early (non smog) intake manifold, anyone?:hyper:
  4. What parts do you make for 620s?:D
  5. Thanks for the reply, The 76 is going to get sold, it's the KC I'm worried about. I have the same wheels already purchased for the KC that I have on the 76. I can't afford tires bigger than 16s, so I want to stick with what I had before, so I may have to go to the boneyard and get an earlier rear axle if they will not clear after rolling the lips. I didn't have to do it on the 76, so maybe they will fit. I had to do it on my 57 Chevy to get the 8" Corvette ralley wheels to clear.:cool:
  6. Tom, you didn't read my post too well, I gave the site address for the company in OR, which is Route 66 Restorations, and there seals have a life time warranty, it's quality stuff.:D OK, now for ZTRAIN, your 5 to 1 doesn't hold up with Route 66 either, their price for the KC rear widow seal is the same as the price for a standard cab $35.99 explain that. What I don't understand is why his supplier doesn't make the seals for the side windows too. You would think that if there is demand enough for the KC rear window seal, then there would be equal demand for the side windows as well. I never had a problem with what Tom is doing, he is doing a great service for us all. I just gave my opinion that I thought the company that is making them might be a little greedy, based on what the pricing is for the other seals. There are others selling Datsun rubber for higher prices than what RT 66 gets, and they don't offer the life time warranty, so there are greedy people out there. I work for one of the many companies that the upper management are getting huge money to run the company into the ground, while screwing their customers, and employees. So I'm sorry that I ruffled feathers, but I'm sick of the rich getting richer on the backs of the blue collar working class in this country. Ilove my country, but I hate where we are headed, if the silent majority don't do something soon we will be just like a 3rd world country, no middle class, just rich and poor. Our children and grandchildren are going to suffer while greedy oil and other exec's are sitting laughing at how we just silently let them bend us over. My .02:wacko:
  7. Bummer, if there is that much difference, I will have to get an early one for my KC to get my wheels to fit. There is only about 1/2 inch of clearance between the tires and inner fenders on my 76. Thanks for the info.:cool:
  8. Some how some one got the idea that I was talking about the import seals. that is not the case, the seals I bought came from a restoration shop in Oregon, and he even has how to pages on his site. The windshield install shows them doing one on an early Mustang, and anyone planning on doing their own install should look it over to get an idea of what they need to do the job right and not break glass or scratch their paint. All his rubber is excelent quallity, I purchased new door seals and rear window seal from him, and have gotten very good product and service from him. Aso if you think about it, some company that supplied the glass shops with seals back in the 70s and 80s, maybe even the 90s might have the original molds laying around, if someone did some research. I'm going to step up and pay the price for the seals, but it still rubs me the wrong way paying double what I paid for my rear window seal. If anyone wants to see the guide on how to install glass, here is his site; http://www.route66re...s.com/Info.html Later:cool:
  9. I didn't say anything about his standards, or the quality of the product, I just brought up the thought that compared to what we can buy front and rear seals for, the price seems a little high, and the company that is making them for him may be taking advantage of us because we have no other option. If they had a competitor, then the would be dropping the price to something more reasonable, compared to what other glass seals go for. I have no problem with him, he is doing something good for all of us, I just don't like the Idea of the manufacturer taking us just because we have no other options. Just my rant for the week.:rolleyes:
  10. I would be interested in the spindles, if they are still available?:)
  11. What ever you do, don't part it out!! That is too nice of a truck to part out, I've seen a lot worse get rebuilt, and at $600, it was a steal. I know you need the cash, but it would be criminal to part out such a good truck, if I didn't already have 2, I would be knockin' at your door. Someone please step up and save this truck!!!
  12. Good luck, I've been trying for over a month for just the gauge panel and no luck, I might be able to come up with a good set of gauges though.:cool:
  13. All this collective knowlege and no one knows what the widths are?:rolleyes:
  14. Windshield and rears are available on ebay from Rt. 66 for a reasonable price, I already got my rear from them and it took only 3 or 4 days to get it.:)
  15. Bob, You might try Route 66 on ebay, their prices are cheaper, service is supper quick. They don't have anything listed for your truck right now, but I think their supplier is in the US, and they may be able to get it for you, it's worth a try any way. The Asian guys are definetly slow, I ordered hood bumpers from one of them (because of Reddat's high prices) and a week later ordered some thing else from the same guy. I got the second order, but not the first, I emailed him, and he said it showed it was here. I checked, and he was looking at the second order, so I pointed that out to him, and then he sent another set. It looks to me like their shipping system is slow, and there may be a little bit of a language problem, but basily they are honest. I think the only thing he did wrong was listing something that he failed to make sure he had in stock. I just don't understand the difference in the asian shipping services, some take for ever, some getting hungup in customs, I had one go all the way to New York, and take almost a week to clear, atleast I had a tracking number to know what was going on. On the other hand I ordered some clear headlights for my nefiews XJ fom a CA supplier and a HID conversion from a Chinese supplier that ships from Hong Kong on New Years eve, and got the HIDs the following Tuesday morning, 2 hours before the headlight housings got here. So you can nerver tell when ordering from overseas, and you never now who's fault it is. I just always ask for a tracking number so I can see what is going on, and if the shipper doen't want to supply one and it takes too long to arrive, I let it be known in feedback, and I don't order from them again. Good luck getting your seals, I hope Route 66 can help You out. and to all the 620 owners, they have front and rear window seals, the rears for standard and KC both, much cheaper than Reddat's nos stuff, and Rt.66's are new, not nos that has been sitting on a shelf for 20 years.:D Bob, when are we going to get together and meet face to face? I hope it's soon, as I am going in for major surgery in about 2 weeks, and will not be going any where for quite a while.:(
  16. Oh yea, I forgot to ask, what are your front calipers off of?:confused:B)
  17. Hi Fineline, I just finished reading your build, and I'm impressed! Wish you were closer, so I could take a ride in your L22 monster. I would like to help with any worries about your engine holding up to the boost. I purchased a 79 KC new in 79 that was converted to a 4X4 by a company in Kelso WA. After 1 weekend of driveing around OR to have some fun and make sure there were no problems, I hauled it to LA, to have a turbo put on by the father of turbo conversions Ak Miller. It was a draw through useing a Holley/Weber (Ak was a Ford guy) using water injection (a Ford windshield washer tank and pump sprayed through a small carb jet in the air cleaner top) and a manual boost control. It was pretty crude by todays standards, but state of the art back then. The water injection was trigered at 5psi boost and I ran it at 8 to 9 psi normally. If I was playing with someone, I would crank it up to 15 psi for short bursts, to prove a point. I owned it and ran it this way for 4 years, and the only problem I had with it was the original weld on the turbo flange to the stock exhaust manifold (done by Ak's son) had to be rewelded at a local turbo shop in Denver. All the internals of the L20B were compleatly stock! So as long as your engine doesn't run lean, you should have many years of trouble free fun, as long as no more dumbies rear end you, that is.:thumbup: Keep up the infomative posts, and a little more info on the Power Brute install would be nice. Also how much did it cost? After I get my KC in shape, but before it goes from primer to finished paint I have a KA24DE that I plan on droping in, then turboing. I would like to do a L series like you did, but I think a KA is a better choice concidering my finances. The KA is already EFI, has piston oilers, head has much more potential for air flow, and has inexpensive basic turbo kits available. Unfortunatly It is going to take a while, as I don't have much money to spare, and will be out of commision for aroun 3 months in about 2 weeks for back surgery. That is why I'm trying to get as many parts as I can collected for restoring my KC. I'm trying to get as much done as I can before I go to the hospital. I've got a story for you about my 79 4X4 turbo, I used to be an over the road trucker, and my time at home was limited. I was running erands and had gon to Boulder for some reason, then I was headed to Denver to pickup parts for my Kenworth. I was running out of time, so I was doing around 70 (remember back then we were stuck with the National 55 mph limit) and was passing a mid 70s red Corvette, they were nothing much Then, but still one of the hottest late models you could buy at the time. When he saw he was being passed by a Jap pickup, he nailed it! One of my pet peves is someone speeding up when I am trying to pass, so I reached down and cranked the boost to 15 and put the pedal to the metal. After I pulled him 3 car lengths to 100, I let off, figuring he'd been educated. He folloed me all the way to Colorado Kenworth to ask what kind of V8 I had in it. After opening the hood and showing him the L20B, he was ready to take his vette to the junk yard. I will never forget the look on his face when he saw he had been beat by a 4 cylinder!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
  18. My money is tight, so I don't want to insult you with a low ball offer, so It would be better if you just tell me the lowest you are willing to take, and if it is in my budget, I will but them from you. The dash face is a must, but the manifold, is just for cosmetic reasons, the engine runs fine with what I have, but I would like to get rid of the egr junk when I put the header on, for a cleaner look. Thanks.
  19. Thanks, Anyone know how much wider the 78 and 79s are?:):cool:
  20. I noticed in another discussion someone said something about a difference in rear axle width on the early and later 620s. I tried a search and came up with nothing. Can someone tell me what year they changed, and what the demention difference is?:unsure:
  21. I desperately need a dash face for a 620!! :frantics::w00t:B)
  22. You should check parts wanted before posting for sale. Now I don't need it any more, but I was looking for quite a while! :) :cool:
  23. How much for the intake manifold to 80013? :) :cool:
  24. I got a set out of a 92 750 or 650, I don't remember witch. I haven't put them in as I would have to relocate the battery in a 620, and there are few options. I don't want to put it in the bed as I use my truck to haul stuff all the time. I think they will end up in my Fairlane, if I ever find time to work on it. Between my 620 and my XJ I've been real busy! :D :cool:
  25. I was trying to be nice since I need a set real bad, but I have to speak up. In an earlier post you said these guys need to be humble, since they have taken so long, and now $79 per set? A windshield seal which is 3 times as big is $38 at the local glass shop. I think maybe they are taking advantage of our situation, but they need to think about the fact that we in a major recession, and should be a little more greatful for the business. Just my opinion. :confused: :hmm: :frantics:
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