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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. well i work for my dad and live with him....it might be a better present to avoid him for the day... and when i was showing him the pictures of canby he just walked off... :(
  2. I dont know what to do for my dad....he's not into datsuns....or anything really.... :unsure:
  3. its 5 hours from here to seattle....Im in eugene, micro is about an 1 1/2 - 2 hours from me... though it is possible my dad was going like 90 the whole time...i dunno :unsure:
  4. I've only been there once on the way home from Reno. I think it was only 8 hours to reno though so yea it wouldnt be to bad. I still really want to go....
  5. me and kelly suggested an in-n-out run but nobody really seemed to want to... :(
  6. Kelly is going to edit and repost them, he took them down
  7. yea im not feeling great myself. not that bad but my throats a little funky and i have had a headache for almost week now :(
  8. If jnco's car makes it next year and you get up here the 610's will out number the 710's :D
  9. There were 2 610s and 3 710s, one was mine the and another was datzenmikes coupe...only one more than the 610s
  10. Yea if i could have gotten the other 710 guy to come over i'd have a picture of all 3 that were there..yours was the only non goon 710 though. I like seein them together :D
  11. Elmer took a picture of our trophy on my car....if only he'd post it up for us....hint hint :D
  12. next time i'll make sure to have some no foo foo creamer too ;)
  13. my dog just farted on my clean blankets then got up to look at it :(

    1. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      my brothers dog crap smells better then when it farts ! true story

  14. yea that i could see myself doing. :thumbup:
  15. well it is looking like we'll make it...it's a 4 hour and 19 min drive :lol: we'll try to not be to late but we're um...slow...yea....
  16. :lol: its more like this really
  17. I have posted my fat sampson on here before but no Boo Boo Kee Kee and they were being really squishy this morning.
  18. I have been working since 2 to replace the crank seal today. Finally got it done thanks to help from micro and mike ...thanks again guys. today was probably the worst day this week to have done this. every time i'd start working it would start pouring. it only got nice when i was between things...no matter, it's pretty much done now. Just have to put things back together and it'll be set. I dont have any pictures of the crank seal itself as thats not an easy area to photograph...i do have these though. Mike has a really cool trick for getting this off who doesnt love working in a swampy gravel driveway?!?!?
  19. Jassifrass

    canby 2010

    i think im freakin out a little.... :frantics: i didnt plan on kelly sleeping while i fix the car.....
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