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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. yea theres a little market right down the street from me that has good food and lots of beer choices. I just havent liked beer until last week so it's a little overwhelming.
  2. oh i know, i didnt take offense or anything...just sayin...that lady is crazy :D
  3. how did you get the truck back if it's still in my name?
  4. not really bragging about the fake boobs so much as the funny dad. I will forever see that beer as Flat Tire not fat and you wouldnt be jealous if you knew the woman
  5. well i used the rest of what we had on my fuse box...i'll try that sometime though.
  6. i think my dad left one of those in the fridge....
  7. Ha! heres an overshare.... My grandma has breast implants....one popped once. Her doctor is here in oregon, she lives in arizona... She came up to have it fixed and my dad bought her a case of Fat Tire but photo shopped the lables and case to say Flat Tire.... funniest thing my dad has ever done to his mom... :D to dark for me though.
  8. damnit....that was from me not Kelly.... :blink: i need to check whos damn profile im on before i post things..... <_<
  9. none of this is our problem. You cant just totally take advantage of someone doing you a favor. maybe you should have thought about all of that before you commited to buying it. you also know you have threatend to not pay at all so dont even start that.
  10. you were in eugene and you didnt come say hi :( lame and was it a girl driving the blue 620? I have seen her a few times around town lately...
  11. ever had chocolate cake shots?? thats all i drank on my 21st....so very hungover the next day...way to much sugar
  12. someone told me my dog is ugly once, i was a little drunk so i yelled "your fuckin face is ugly"...yea she shut up quick. I'd do the same for my datsun...sober too :D and your truck is awesome, not ugly.
  13. it's starting bid is even 77.10 :lol:
  14. I have been thinking about moving to portland in the near future...i might need all that crap after all
  15. maybe im not sure. I'll see if i can get it out later and clean it. i dont know how to test it though...like get the windows to fog up...boil some water and jump in the back with it?
  16. i think we have a few, i think you may have to find a way to get it to stay on, the bolts broke but yea. Maybe kelly will go look before he goes to sleep... (im at work)
  17. that would explain why its never worked! :lol:
  18. :o thats to far away for me to get to it.... :poop:
  19. is all crusty and corroded, i think i should probably replace it?
  20. Yea jnco has been my friend since highschool....i spread the infection to him, thus his need for a datsun.
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