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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. plus its been sitting for over a year, maybe even 2 by now, so who knows what else is wrong until you get it started. i think he is going to talk to her about it though.
  2. i'd play that game in a hearbeat! those facebook games are just to much, i watched my dad get totally sucked into it, it was kind of sad.
  3. yea that sounds more ghetto and lazy for sure
  4. funny, we saw a 521 that looks just like that in salem this saturday too! :P
  5. Its not that bad, the bolts snapped and wouldnt come back out, had to do something and we dont have a welder.
  6. yea the carb needs a bit more tuning but it's almost like driving a whole new car.
  7. I got the weber on. Still need to plug some air lines but the wagon is running way better now. the install was real easy. Ended up swaping the throttle link from the stock carb and putting it on the weber.
  8. :lol: why didnt i think of that sooner?!? As for the carb the instructions dont cover all the emissions stuff, i have to take the manifold off and put a little blockage thingy in there.... :huh: I have never done anything to a carb before and yea. Kelly was showing me and stuff but he wakes up at like 5 or 6 and goes to work about 10. Thats not enough time to do all that and eat and get ready for work. He could just do it for me but i want to learn. I dont want to be in the damn kitchen while he gets to have fun with the car damnit :D
  9. this might just be the funniest thing i have seen on here. I have had mormons following me from New Mexico to Oregon, somehow they found out we moved and where to... :blink: kinda scary.... also, i was that little girl at the biker party, my mom was in a biker gang. I could go on for hours about that but i wont :D
  10. thats almost as funny as the strip club they had here in town for a while called "the office" "i wasnt at a strip club i was at the office".... <_<
  11. id be really jealous if you got that. :D
  12. ok first, i have very little car expierence kelly knows more than me. im learning still. my engine has all the emissions stuff still so we need to block it off and kelly doesnt have a day off til next weekend. second i dont use that twitter crap. my facebook is only used to get pictures on here and talk to a friend in new mexico. i really try to dont get sucked into things like that.....this is an exception. third you dont know these little boys. one is 3 one is almost 2. they can wiggle out of any situation. they are little monsters and would run off with my parts and tools if i tried to get them to help. my sister is a crazy woman and would probably try to kill me if i put them in a cage... i jut took my door off and cleaned it up a bit, i'll probably do more today while he's sleepin. i think my sister and her monsters are leaving soon.
  13. i dont think i have posted a pic since i painted the grill black either...i did that a long time ago but yea im slow :D
  14. i did some rust repair today while it was nice. my door is kinda funky so i took it off and cleaned it up a bit. just a temporary fix for now till i paint the whole thing. i didnt bother with a picture of the rust converter part but i did do it.
  15. this weekend is going to suck, :( kellys working so im limited on what i can do to the cars, no weber on my car till he gets a day off...my sister and her two babies are here so i will be worried about my nice things all day tomorrow (mason thinks our 52inch projection tv is a big drum), and kelly has to try sleeping while they are here...not to mention my dog hurt my hand. i was playing rough with him and he got my hand on a tendon or something i cant bend 2 of my fingers so using a sander tomorrow may not work so well. if i cant work on my car all weekend and its nice and sunny i may cry :crying: :poop: :poop: :poop: oh hey but i have presents coming. :hyper: maybe it wont be so bad after all....
  16. yea i dont want to ruin the dash, its still in such good condition i dont want to be the reason that changes. i thought about the under the seat thing but i think i like the glovebox idea. theres something under my seat that would be in the way too.
  17. im obsessive and would need it to match so i vote red :D
  18. im bein really slow about getting mine on there. had a lot going on lately, i want to do it today for sure though so pics will be up later, skunks not puttin his on right away either.
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