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MicroMachinery last won the day on October 23 2015

MicroMachinery had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    McMinnville, Oregon
  • Cars
    71 521, 71 510 4dr, 80 720 4x4, 76 610 Coupe, 73 610 Wagon, 73 610 Coupe
  • Interests
    Hunting Snipe. That's all.
  • Occupation
    I own/operate Micro Machinery

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Single Status Update

See all updates by MicroMachinery

  1. Can someone going to Frank's Swap Meet this weekend bring a small something back to Portland/Salem for me? Thanks!

    1. erichwaslike
    2. DatWifey


      If no one can pick it up and bring it back right away, we can pick it up and hang onto it and either ship it, or send it with someone who is up this way in the near future.

    3. graveltrapp


      I may be going down on October 16th for a few days. Let me know.


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