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Everything posted by sick620

  1. man it think it looks dope. figure out how to fill them gaps and that will look dope as shi7. that 720 is clean. who cares if a z guy dosnt like it. im sure all the truck guys think it was a good idea!
  2. and i love your faces on your air intake.... that looks sexxy!!!!!!!
  3. after seeing that im really starting to like b2's:D
  4. Ratsuns should not be confused with "Minitruck", minitrucks = money. lmfao
  5. fresh to a ratsuner is different. lol. i think the gaps look very ratsun.... haha. im sure hes working on fixing the gaps. have you read urban dictionary lately...... Ratsun That frankenstein out in your garage assembled from a variety of different datsuns and nissans, of course... none of them fit quite right. They tend to have a flat black or similar finish, not really because it looks cool, but because it covers up the countless collage of dings, bings, dents, and scratches in your sheet metal. There is at least 10 times the amount of money you paid for the vehicle put into your air bag system, because we all know you needed to drop that extra .739 inches. A spray painted "Rising Sun" covers your hood. There's a good chance the engine has parts from different models/brands/countries. You traded for most of them, And everything else in it you made yourself or cannibalized from god knows what. You've probably sold 1 or 2 projects halfway through because your broke as shit, but that's ok, you'll probably just buy another. Your a proud member of ratsun.net, and if not, you should be!
  6. my 79 620 had those chrome mirrors. one has a crack in it so i removed them and put on black mirrors off of an izuzu rodeo. i still have those chrome 620 mirrors gathering dust in the garage. :D
  7. that h-body grill looks fresh in that 720 :)
  8. the rig is looking trick man. keep up the good work..... what are your next plans for that sexy bitch! :)
  9. thats one nice datto! we need to meet up you, me, and farmer joe. the official idaho datsun club:)
  10. THAT WAS DOPE>>>>>> i sure love me some 510 burn out!!!!!!!!
  11. i just cut mine off too. i need to grind the stubs down now. ill get some pics up soon...... what did you use? i used a sawzall. :D
  12. jesus christ are you itching to get rocked or what. he is inviting datsun guys like us to his monthly get together. i find him a pretty upstanding guy for that. i would go if i lived closer. :D
  13. you better sell that and get a datto. or atleast paint a big ass ratsun logo on the hood!:D
  14. ya fiberglass. if it too hard then leather .
  15. i sawed off all the pasenger side bed hooks ill get pics up soon. i am going to do the drivers side ones tonight. :)
  16. should i remove my bed hooks.... what do you think?
  17. i just got a sawzall and a dremal. thanks bro:D
  18. i just printed 3 im going to get me some good shit . :)
  19. if i had 2 620's i would trade for a 510 but only for the best body style :)
  20. if i come across the assholes i'll chin check em for ya.:) thats rediculous. im srry man:(
  21. no not yet i hope its still there i get paid friday so ill probably go get it

  22. sick620


    go to my project thread and look at 86 camaro seats they look trick in a 620
  23. so tonight on my way home from work (about 10 30) i was getting really trired of the music that was playing and i wanted to pop in another cd. the cd was in a case and it had fell to the floor of the cab. i didnt want to get in a wreck so i pulled over. i pulled over in an auto body shop parking lot. i turned off my lights so i wouldnt draw attention to my self. i reached down and rustled through old gatorade bottles and receipts grabbed the cd and inserted it. i then looked in my rearview and there was a vehicle parked behind me no lights or anything. it kinda looked like a jeep for a second(keep in mind my truck is low and it was dark) i just sat there looking at it for maybe 30 seconds then i hear a voice "turn off the car and put your hands on your steering wheel" then red and blue lights flash. i do as im told. the piglet walked up next to my truck and asked me what im doing. i told him the truth "smoking crack and hittin a bong!" k i lied about that part:lol: i told him about the whole cd thing. he didnt really say much other than license and registration. (also my lights were on at this point cuz when i saw a vehicle behind me my first thought was that i was in his way so i got ready to pull out of the way) he ran my info and came back and told me how cool it was of me to pull over to change a cd. then he asked "this a '79?" i said ya "long bed?" ya. " thats one nice six twenty you got there" thanks i said and left. the best part about this whole story is that i have a running light out and he was standing right next to it the whole time. also i have a glasses restriction on my license you cant miss it! i wasnt wearing glasses! also my insurance is expired i paid it today but it dosent take effect till tomorrow. is this datsun luck? only god knows:rolleyes:
  24. sick620

    Rising sun?

    i searched with no luck. so i made a new thread. maybe i didnt see one but i did search lol. who thinks i should do my hood like this? keep in mind im going japanese ratrod style with my truck:D
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